There'll be another, separate entry later for more Harry Potter; this one is free of anything remotely spoiler-like.
So it's been a pretty good weekend.
wrenbow and I went to get sushi on Friday night, preparatory to going to the HP party. We decided on the way down that we are definitely rooming together for the foreseeable future; we make great roommates. Anyway. We had tons of delicious sushi, and also delicious freezies (mine was watermelon, hers was passion fruit.) We came back home and hung out for a while, talked about books and stories and religion, and then we went off to B&N.
We got there at 10 and were number 402 and 403. This was slightly startling to me, because when I went to the Book 5 release, I got there at 10 and was #121 (when the numbering started at 100.) We kicked around for a while, and I picked up To Reign In Hell and The Phoenix Guards by Steven Brust (the former because it's recommended source material for Demon: the Fallen and the latter because
sister_coyote recommended it). I also got the collected works of W.B. Yeats, because he's awesome. We read at the bookstore for a while -
wrenbow is working her way through Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practictioner, and we were discussing some things about that - and then were chased outside to stand in line. We got our books by 12:45 and headed home. We got home at 1:15 and by 1:30 we were all comfy in our pajamas and curled up on my bed reading, with occasional squeaks from either of us.
I finished at 6 am and crashed out for a few hours, then
wrenbow and I ventured forth to retrieve my car. As
calhin had suspected, the problem was that the vacuum seals were broken from when they replaced the transmission. They fixed it for me for free, so all I am out is the cost of the rental car for the five days. We went to Panera for lunch, where we tried to get
wrenbow's DS set up for Wi-Fi on FF3, but I had forgotten that the Mognet is not available right away, and then her battery light went red, so we went home and she went upstairs to finish HP7. I poked round on the Internet, and then she came down and we hung out for a while, then it was definitely naptime for both of us :)
I spent last night finishing my re-read of Demon: the Fallen. I've decided on a few house-rule tweaks, and this is definitely going to be a different style of chronicle than the one I had run before, although I have high hopes that we will continue the three-hours-of-in-character-talking-without-rolling-dice aspect that I had before. I'm still debating on the matter of a title for this chron. I seem to fail at those a lot, but I would like to have one for this chron overall, and for sub-stories even.
Today was fairly quiet; I hung out with
wrenbow a bit this morning, and played some Final Fantasy XII. I'm running round Tchita Uplands, levelling up before Sochen, because I recall how very badly I got pwned last time there. I didn't realize last time around how useful Thief Cuffs were. Squee. I ventured forth to
rage_goblin's and we hung out for a bit, then went to Lone Star for supper and watched two episodes of Firefly. And now I suppose it is time for us to head off.
Sidenote: I am amused that lots of my friends have called or txted me with "omgharrypotter" things, since apparently everybody knows that I was done early Saturday morning. My grandmother called me Saturday afternoon and was like "The Wal-Mart has this new Harry Potter book, do you have it yet?" "Yes ma'am, I bought it at midnight and already read it." "Oh." I thought it was really sweet that she thought of me, though.
Alright, I blather enough.