*flails a lot*

Jun 13, 2007 21:12

There were KITTENS in the courtyard outside rage_goblin's place. At sunset. There were four of them, and they were lethally cute, and scampering and play-fighting and climbing trees. I squealed, and Joe came to look, and I kind of wistfully remarked that I wish I had a kitten. He suggested that we could go capture one, and I was really tempted. But Ganon would kill me. I think sabrielrose might as well. And I can't really afford another cat, and there's not really SPACE for another cat.

....That doesn't mean I wanted one any less. But I was responsible about it.

Kittens are ♥

(So I am apparently making up for like three days of nonposting by flooding the flist today. I apologize.)

Time to watch Joe play Shadowrun. And then sleep.

P.S. Panera's new tomato and mozzarella salad is fantastically delicious, but I think it disagreed with my tummy :( Sad panda.

P.P.S. Pooka on Friday! Also I have Friday off! HUZZAH. The end of work tomorrow is going to be a HAPPY time.

dead of the cute, kittens!, i wants the shiny

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