Guh. (or, Why Not To Take Prompts In Multiple Challenges Ending The Same Month)

May 01, 2007 00:03

My brain is goo. I added it all up, and I have written about 26,500 words in the last 30 days. (This is just on challenge fic, mind, and has naught to do with anything ELSE I've been scribbling on, like gift drabbles.) But I have completed all my assignments (even though some are still out for beta - I owe first_seventhe lots of cookies. Or more books. Or something.)

I'm going to take a couple days' break from writing, but soon I'll be able to post up some of the things I wrote for het_challenge, and once I get back in my writing mode I'll do a ficbit prompting post, and that should be lots of fun!

However, for now I feel very accomplished, and now I can go back to playing games without having to feel guilty! Which means rage_goblin and I might actually finish Magna Carta sometime soonish.

On the subject of things I do with rage_goblin, we finished watching Berserk last week. I shall have to borrow the manga from him and read it, because it was pretty cool (although some things were a little bit on the gory side for me, but that's what i get for watching an anime about a guy with a giant sword who kills stuff, right?) I kind of feel like I have to go back and watch it again to really get it, but then oh God, where will I find the time? Yeah, I don't really have it. So.

Anywya. It is time for sleepy Meglets to go to bed, and not be horribly cranky tomorrow for dealing with people. Tomorrow night is Exalted, and then I think perhaps trying to play a bit more of Phoenix Wright. I am going to cross these games off my list, I swear it.

victory theme!, writing process, challenges, words ate my brain

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