
Apr 22, 2007 13:09

So yesterday I went to Games Plus with intorporeal, wrenbow, spreadnparanoia, and Kevin. We discovered a restaurant we liked, and we bought lots of stuff. (I also got like $40 off my order because everyone else went before me and they put it all on my saving card thing there, so I ended up with essentially a free copy of Scion: Hero.) Between the five of us, we bought four copies of Scion: Hero, and then spreadnparanoia got some D&D miniatures, and Kevin got a battle grid, and we all bought dice. I have a super pretty sparkly D20 set that I will use for Ravenloft, simply because it is so incongruous. I also picked up Compass of Celestial Directions Vol. II: The Wyld and Exalted: the Lunars, since I excel at impulse purchasing and fail at willpower. I did hold back on Mage: the Awakening though, just because....I really really don't have time or money to buy the whole game line, and once I start I will not stop.

We headed back to the Whale and all curled up to read Scion, and then we played the demo along with Jeremy. Downey was supposed to join us, but copped out with the weak excuse of midterms. ;) Ultimately we are agreed that the world and the concept rocks hardcore, and the system sucks ass. They tried to crossbreed Aberrant with Exalted: Second Edition and basically, to put it in D&D terms, AC's are so high all round that you have to roll crit to hurt anything, and crit chances are even lower than normal.

We are also agreed that White Wolf's demos suck. I mean, they're good for people who are just beginning to roleplay or who are moving to White Wolf systems from D&D, but for experienced players like us, they just don't work. The Return to the Tomb of Five Corners demo that I ran worked because I know Exalted's setting inside out and backwards and had been running Exalted 2.0 for a year and could improvise whatever was necessary from the system. The Scion: Hero demo, Of Shadows Yet To Come, really didn't work because I didn't know the system (spreadnparanoia and intorporeal saved my ass a lot by double-checking combat rules that weren't explicit enough in the demo) and because, as experienced gamers, my players were constantly thinking of cool new things to do that just didn't fit within the constraints of the adventure, and I'm not going to sit here and go "Yeah guys, by the way, you can't do that becuase there aren't rules or explanation here for it."

The quote of the night definitely belonged to Natalie and Brad. Brad was playing a character who's basically the male version of Paris Hilton (rich, spoiled playboy getting into trouble because he's bored and wants to be noticed). They were in a middle-America run-down diner, and he was complaining about the mediocre food.

wrenbow: Well, not everyone can afford the kinds of delicacies that I'm sure you're used to.
intorporeal: But I can!

At any rate. We are agreed that the setting rules, and thus we will extensively rewrite the system to fit our needs. It seems like a game that requires house-ruling right off the bat, which is kind of sad, but we'll see what we can do!

Alright. Rambling about gaming aside, it's time to shower and go to the grocery store so I can go see rage_goblin. I am going to be so freaking glad when April (and all the associated challenges) are done so I don't have to spend the only days I get to see my boyfriend writing as well. Never taking this many challenges again. Never ever ever.

quotes: scion, such a dork, scion

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