Okay, so apparently sleep has not cured my crankiness, and thus I have a generalized rant which is not intended to harsh on anyone's fandom buzz, or anything like that.
I do not have to justify my enjoyment of fanfic to you.
I don't care if you do not like my fandom. You are entitled to not like my fandom, just as I am entitled to not like yours. Just as you are entitled to not read my preferred pairing or kink or whatever, I am entitled to not read yours. It's called "Don't Like, Don't Read" and it's really a fairly simple concept as long as everybody labels their fics correctly.
Regardless of whether you get my fandom or not, it is my fandom and it is something I enjoy, and I am not going to justify my enjoyment of it to you. I could give you many reasons that would justify it, but I don't have to. I do it because I want to and I do not need to justify this any more than I need to justify enjoying a good book, a movie, a video game, sewing, cooking, or any other hobby I may have that does harm to no one. I do not consider it a waste of my time or energy.
Therefore, I refuse to entertain guilt trips or scoldings over my enjoyment of fandom because it is something I enjoy and I am not letting anyone ruin that for me.
And now, I am going to go spam
first_seventhe with more FF4/FF9 crossover bits. Also cross-post to
fanficrants because I can.
EDIT 8:37 AM: General "you" in effect and not aimed at anyone on the flist, I'm just annoyed at that type of attitude in general.