Exalted Quotes

Mar 08, 2007 22:18

herod_the_nut: I am a jealous John. Jealous and rashful.
calhin: You might wanna get some ointment for that.

Then, in reference to sabrielrose's dream about being in bed with the Unconquered Sun last game:

Unconquered Sun: You didn't like it?
sabrielrose: I didn't say that.

lassarina: The Unconquered Sun is being nice to you.
sabrielrose: That's excessive niceness!

sabrielrose: You have to have the "bad touch" talk with the Unconquered Sun.
Jeremy: That's a bad touch. That one too. That one's okay. Hey, why'd you stop?

quotes: exalted, exalted: southrons, quotes: gaming

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