New Metaphor, B-Fest, and assorted maunderings

Jan 28, 2007 17:53

You know I'm avoiding dealing with the root cause of a problem when my brain persists in devising new metaphors for the issues rather than teasing out the solution. Nonetheless, I have decided that my manner of dealing with issues is not unlike having a rock tumbler: one puts in the issues, with grit and water, and turns the switch and lets it run for some time, gradually rounding off the rough edges to end up with a rather more pleasant finished project. wrenbow and I were talking about this last weekend. I pointed out that rock tumblers are very very loud and annoying, and it's not unlike rattling rough-edged rocks about in one's brain until they finally give up. She said that a lot of people probably handle their issues in a like fashion, but that I at least keep the rock tumbler in the basement where only good friends are invited, and other people think to keep it in the living room where it annoys all visitors. It seemed an apt comparison.

In other news, B-Fest was fun; a lot of people chickened out early, but I stayed to the bitter end. (Though I was hoping that oberndorf would make a completely random and unannounced appearance, but sadly, such was apparently not to be.) There was also the now-traditional post-B-Fest gaming, which was a Mage oneshot pulled largely from history (oh, Plantagenet family, I never get tired of your politics.)

In other news, not a lot is going on. I am sleepy and will go read my book now, but I leave you with two new story-bits (working on the ones from the meme the other day, but they are not ready to post yet, sorries!)

Sins, FF4, rated PG. Spoilers. Kain numbers his sins.

First Test, Ff6, rated G, minor spoilers. Cid did not expect Celes to be quite so facile with her spells the first time he tested her.

b-fest, extended metaphors, fanfic

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