Mar 30, 2002 00:18
Bleh. So the RP I was planning for this weekend has fallen apart in my hands. Not that I'm surprised. Goddess knows, if anything I plan actually WORKS, the Wheel will probably stop turning and everything will descend into rampant chaos. I'm still kind of pissed though! I went through the process of printing out everyone's character sheet and filling in some of the stuff like Arete, Willpower and the first dot in all attributes. I planned the entire game out and made up stats for opponents.
For nothing.
Because Amy, as usually happens, got the "family obligation" thing dumped on her today. I should have expected it. This left me with two players, who I suspect aren't actually all *that* into it. And to top it off, my mother goes "Well, I think you should go out with your grandmother and I tomorrow." Excuse me? If that's what you wanted, why didn't you tell me this a week ago, when I was planning stuff? My God, I hate that kind of crap! She KNEW I was planning something for tomorrow, and then she just goes "oh by the way you should forget what you wanted to do and do this instead." WTF.
I wouldn't be pissed about it if she'd given me warning. Like, you know, "Your grandmother will be here next weekend, so I'd like you to be available on Saturday to do stuff with her." That would have been fine and I would have arranged game for another day. But no, she has to wait until the last second. This is stuff she bitches at ME for doing! I hate that! Arrrrgh!
*sighs and makes an attempt to calm down* I swear my gaming efforts are cursed...I'm going to *die* if I don't get to play or run anything this summer, three months with no RP... X_X Online RP just doesn't cut it anymore, yeah, it's still fun, but there's really nothing to compare with things like fighting in-character with Eben. Mostly because he's fun to fight with. Hehe. And there's just something about sitting around a table with a bunch of your friends, playing Changeling or Mage or whatever. Message boards don't even come close to recreating that atmosphere. Or the "oopsies" like the every-fifteen-minutes "Goddamn it, I lost a dice!" "It's DIE, not dice! Singular! Die!" in Mage.
Siiiiigh. Oh well. I've gotten bits and pieces of Cassandra's story written over break, so at least I haven't wasted ALL my time.
It's getting warmer. All soft and fresh outside, and just cool enough that the breeze has a crisp edge. It kind of sucks that my computer is in the basement. Otherwise I would be sitting in my room or the family room or whatever with the windows/door wide open to let the breeze in through the screens.
I love spring, I really do. I think it might be my favourite season. I like all the springtime flowers--the hyacinths in particular, and the cherry blossoms--and it's warm enough to go out in shorts and a T-shirt without having the stifling heat and humidity of summer. Being from D.C., I know about humidity. Sigh. But spring is so pretty and the air feels soft and new.
Of course I like the other seasons too. I love the beach, so summer's always great, and I like swimming and the Fourth of July and cook-outs and all the rest of the stuff that just goes with summer in my mind. Including the lack of school, which isn't as nifty recently because my carefree summers have been replaced with work. Sigh.
Fall is beautiful too. I was born in fall, so there's always presents (*giggle* I'm such a mercenary little bitch), and there's the cooler weather, so nice after summer. And the trees turn, and there's this sense of full circle. I don't know why I think of fall as the end of the cycle, instead of winter or spring. Maybe because things are beginning to wind down. Hmm, why else do I like fall...Oh yeah! Samhain, always a delight ^.^; And a new school year, so I get to go back and see all my friends again.
And now to winter...The best thing about winter is snow. Paradoxically, I love snow but I don't like cold. Cold is okay if I'm skiing. Colorado is *awesome.* Hehe. And there's hot chocolate, and Solstice, and Christmas (BLEH at having to bend to my family's dictates about celebrating Christmas...oh well, at least I get presents.) Winter's probably my least favourite season. Unless I'm skiing. Then I like it a lot.
Wow, I've rambled. Time to end this, I think. I still have stuff to think and write about...but it's not ready to be written yet. So much to sort out in my head....Oh well. I'm off to write more and think about...just stuff. Or maybe go to bed. Bed is good.
mage: the ascension,