Oh wow, how long has it been since I updated for real? Um, too long. And I forgot the Thursday Thoughts again. Oops. Oh well. You'll just have to wait for next week. Not that they're all that interesting anyway!
Let's see. I did talk about Friday (I think) so we're on to Saturday! It was the first game of DCP for the year, which was loads of fun. I shadowed
spreadnparanoia all night and I don't think I've ever been so busy Game One of any DCP year, ever. I got to flail about with delicious level-four Protean in public, which was great. Also one of my clanmates turned a tiger loose on the police to get the rest of us out of deep kimchee. Fantastic. We got to have an amusing conversation with Toni about the number of child vampires running about the city, I got to rant and rave about how I hate anything that is not Cam. Sadly Sam did not let me beat down the mortal who clearly was a Sabbat dupe and deserved anything I could do to him. *nod* Oh, and
wrenbow and I came to the very amusing realization that this year's brute squad is composed of three of the smallest women in DCP. WE ARE NOT COMPENSATING REALLY I SWEAR IT.
Ahem! Sunday, football infuriated me (come ON, Jacksonville, HOUSTON? What on God's green earth is wrong with you?!) I made my favourite dinner ever: chicken sauteed in butter and garlic, pasta, steamed asparagus, and alfredo sauce. Also bread, and Asti Spumanti wine. Mmmm. It was many tasty. We watched Over the Hedge, which was totally adorable, and then had a minor incident where the L key broke off my laptop and, in trying to fix it, the spring that held the key properly broke, so that was that. I hauled it off to Best Buy, which apparently closes at 7 on Sunday nights, wtf? so I came home and drank two glasses of wine in 20 minutes because I was quite annoyed.
calhin decided to run a pickup RPG called Kobolds Ate My Baby, which was hysterically funny. Particularly the antics of
wrenbow and I were completely smashed by the end of the game, and sat there giggling constantly for a few hours. There was much hilarity to be had.
herod_the_nut looked at Jeremy, who was sitting kind of in between us, and goes "Y'know. You're in between two drunk and giddy women, neither of whom, to my knowledge, is dating anyone right now. I'm just saying." and
calhin chimed in with "If you can't figure it out from there, you just fail." That, of course, made us laugh harder.
herod_the_nut also asked if this is what it looked like to everybody else when he's drunk and we were like "Yup!"
Anyway. Monday I woke up tired but with no particular ill effects, and thus started the endless round of work. I took Gwydion to Best Buy to see how long it would take them to fix him. They told me 5-14 days and that was being optimistic. I told them flat out that it was absurd, picked him up and walked back out. Came home and ran Exalted, which was just hysterical. Getting already-insane little gods drunk is AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. Examples of quotage:
"I've got enough personal to do the bodies."--Melzer
The players had a massive battle versus five Wyld-Lions that killed Melzer's character, whose response was to explode ALL of his personal and peripheral Essence (34 motes remaining) to immolate the Wyld-Lion that killed him, creating a flare visible halfway to the Blessed Isle (which I allowed because it was dramatic and amusing.)
herod_the_nut's response was "Dragons damn you, Dwalain." It was neat. Then they got to talk to Mirkal, the completely insane and Wyld-twisted city father of Shalai. He looks like a man, except that the left half of his face is covered in downy feathers, his right arm is a long fish's fin, and his left leg is a serpent with a tail and two eyes, one on either side of it (his two-eyed trouser snake, as Melzer said.) Mirkal did some flailing about and giggling, and got shinies from
sabrielrose. Then
calhin got him drunk. I think that was the most fun I've ever had GMing a game, seriously.
Oh, and
herod_the_nut invented a breech-loading firewand.
So! Tuesday after work I went to the little mom-n-pop type computer repair store down the street to ask them to fix Gwydion. They fiddled with him a bit and eventually said that the keyboard needed to be replaced. I sighed, came home, went to HP's website and bought a new keyboard for $36 plus $2 something tax. Lalala.
Nothing much of interest happened on Wednesday, but Thursday was good.
first_seventhe fixed my huge plot gap, so I can finish my outline and send it to her and
celeloriel for checking. Since the first half is conditionally approved, I can start to outline scenes for it as soon as the second half is sketched out. Yays omg. And I think I just figured out what my (first) fic for
het_challenge is going to be.
I got home to find my keyboard already there (overnight delivery being included in the charge). Melzer disassembled the appropriate parts of my computer and got the keyboard put in. I squeed about that for a while and then went to bed early. In other computer news, my monitor for Taliesin appears to be attempting to die. It needs to hang on for a while, as I really can't afford to replace it just at present. (Then again, it is 6+ years old.) Rarg.
Oh well. I have spent forever typing this entry. I am done now.