Oct 18, 2006 12:56

So. Yesterday at work was fairly lame, but then I went to the Evanescence concert at the Riviera with sabrielrose. We both got dressed up goth-like and headed into town. The opening band, Revelation Theory, was quite enjoyable and I will stalk some of their music at some point when I have money for iTunes again. They put on a fairly high-energy show; the lead singer was bouncing all around the place. For the last song, he took his shirt off, and oh my Lord he was ripped. Mrrrrrowr. Ahem. Yeah. Anyway, they came out in the audience between their act and Evanescence to sell CD's, and sadly I did not have enough cash on me, but I did at least get to tell the lead singer that I thought they did a good show, so that was fun. sabrielrose commented that she thinks it must be really hard to be in an opening band, because you know nobody's actually there to see you. But they were good anyway, and I will pick up some music by them for sure.

So Evanescence came out and had a pretty solid set list; they did a fairly even mix of Fallen and The Open Door. From Fallen, they did "Going Under," "Bring Me To Life" (of course), "My Immortal," "Haunted," "Imaginary," and "Whisper." From The Open Door, they did "Sweet Sacrifice," "Call Me When You're Sober," "Weight of the World," "Lithium," "Lacrymosa," "Good Enough" and "All That I'm Living For." We were down on the floor, which made it pretty hard for me to see since Amy Lee is short and I am also quite short, so I got a good view of the backs of people's heads and occasionally a glimpse of Amy Lee. I did have a fairly good view of John LeComp and Terry Balsamo, though I was rather more interested in the former (he did the segment of "Bring Me To Life" that's done by Paul McCoy in the radio/album version).

Three fucktards on the floor decided to get in a fight in the middle of "My Immortal," of all the goddamn songs to get in a fight during, for fuck's sake. (It was part of the encore.) As a result I almost got knocked over by people trying to get out of the way, which was not so good. But it was a great concert overall, and I really enjoyed it. Yays! ♥ Although I do wish they had played "Snow White Queen" or perhaps some of their pre-Fallen stuff, but whatever. Still MADE OF FREAKING AWESOME OMG.

And so far this morning I have spent almost three hours catching up on LJ because you lot decided to write a fuckton of REALLY LONG FIC since Monday night. Anyway. I am done now and am going to wander into town and perhaps pop into Barnes and Noble, but definitely go to the AT&T store so they can look at my phone and tell me why it's not sending text messages (I think it might be account-related). I also need to figure out if my Jags jacket is going to be returned; I can put it on and zip it, but I think it's too tight. I will ask sabrielrose's opinion when she gets home.

Food time now!

good times, omg squee, ooh shiny, yay, awesomeness cubed, whee, concert

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