Feeling a little better today than I was yesterday, although I didn't sleep well last night; I think I had a little too much iced tea yesterday and the caffeine kept me awake until 2:15. Gleep. So thus begins the cycle of Meglet using caffeine to stay awake at work (and therefore being endlessly fidgety). I'm allowed to have caffeine until lunchtime, and then no more, cause I intend to go to bed early today.
I still have the sore throat (grar, allergies, stay away) but the headache seems to have more or less retreated. Also, I forgot we are ordering Chipotle for lunch! Hurray! Um, anyway, speaking of food, I made a totally awesome dinner last night. I got the Safeway Select tomato and basil bisque, which was quite tasty, and I made kickass sandwiches: Italian bread spread with basil paste, mozzarella, tomatoes, and prosciutto. Mmmm. Happy Meglet!
Let's see, what else did I accomplish yesterday? I pretended to work on fics for
ff_smutathon by which I mean I stared at the screen and did nothing. I also played some Kingdom Hearts and made it into the Deep Jungle. Action games hurt Meglet, really they do. The stupid barrels took me forever and a day, and Cloud killeded me good. I tried to get Cerberus and failed, so I'll go back and do that again after I finish sealing Deep Jungle. Also, Tarzan? Failfailfailfailfail.
Ahem. I did poke at redesigning Twisted Muse, since it really needs it and I was feeling creative. I realized as I was in the process of doing this that I've completely forgotten how to do the body tags for HTML (since I do everything with CSS normally, I was just poking at the HTML for experimental purposes) and also that I've totally forgotten how to build an external CSS stylesheet, since I haven't had to build one in several years but instead modify extant stylesheets for my sites. Also,
pooka_madness totally still has my HTML book =p
calhin lent some much-appreciated assistance with that; I was sitting there going "I know I can make a table with a partial-opacity background so that the text is easier to read over the background, but I can't make the HTML do it" and he was like "CSS!" and I was like "Duh." So some Google-fu resulted in what I wanted, and I am pleased. I have a lot of things in mind for what I'm going to do regarding sections of my website (most of the old ones are going away, as my poetry can stay buried in the depths of ye olde LJ and the fanfics are cross-posted to hell anyway). I want to set up an art section, because I was poking at my old wallpapers yesterday and while they were lame, I can see what I did wrong and I have some ideas for new ones. Plus I love playing in Photoshop. And I like doing general artwork as well, even though I'm bad at it, so I will do some of that too.
The quotes section is definitely staying, although I'm going to overhaul it to make it a little easier to navigate, and I'm going to add a "Writing" section, not so much to post my own work, but to post rambles and essays on the writing process, as well as a link farm to useful resources. Because I am in fact pretentious and dumb.
As I was fiddling with that last night,
herod_the_nut was working on lighting design for his new show, and we had the TV on more for background noise than anything else. Fresh Prince of Bel Air was airing on Nick at Nite. We got to boggle at how long ago that was and to laugh at how Will Smith looks SO YOUNG.
Anyway. Redesign of Twisted Muse is underway, and with the site simplification I have in mind (since about half the sections are going away) it'll be awesome.
50 Books
39. Exalted: The Compass of Terrestrial Directions Vol. I, The Scavenger Lands
Working on NWoD core, now.
Anyway. Off to workings. Meep.