Exalted summaries

Aug 08, 2006 20:51

So. Game 4, back in June, involved the characters leaving Chiaroscuro in search of herod_the_nut's daughter, who had vanished in the hands of a Fae-blood. During the conversations of who was going to go where, it was determined that sabrielrose would come along instead of hunting for her tomb in the floating, mobile city, because:

sabrielrose: Well my First Age tomb isn't going anywhere--I mean, it is, but--

herod_the_nut found his daughter in Talavera's territory, where she is working as a dancer. It's what she does. Talavera is a raksha who collects performers of various types and keeps them in essentially a massive creative harem. She feeds off ambient emotion rather than specific people, so lots of people come to see the fabulous shows in her territory. herod_the_nut reluctantly agreed to allow her to stay there, but made her a flame piece so she could defend herself.

herod_the_nut: I made this for you. It's for protection.
Melzer, OOC: Yeah, before you sleep with a guy, use it on his genitals.

There were also some jokes about Exalted Pokémon. Melzer found his mom in Talavera's territory, and then they trailed the caravan south to find his wife and do some asskicking on the Guild. Armed with a caravan of now-freed slaves, they paused in Talavera's territory to drop off his two-seasons-pregnant wife with Talavera's permission (she also took some of the more useful former slaves) and then headed back to Vane. Meanwhile, on the road, they met up with Desert Fox and Resplendent Tiger. Desert Fox told them about his Solar girlfriend, Adria, who agreed to serve a Deathlord in order to secure his freedom (he is now trying to, y'know, get her out of that situation. She's pretty, but real dumb.)

Enter Game 5. Some conversation was going around regarding Jeremy's albino character:

herod_the_nut: How does the Unconquered Sun Exalt an albino?
sabrielrose: Very carefully.
lassarina: I see your party has no albino!

They travelled to the edge of the country of Vane and encountered the town of Erestine (Yes I ripped off Magna Carta: TOB. Shut up.) A few weeks before, a slim, petite girl with blue eyes and long black hair had come through wearing a very unusual black metal choker/collar necklace. She was accompanied by a young man. Three days later, plague hit. (Necromancy. Yay.) Nobody has died; they're just living in horrible misery and wish they were dead. Awesome. Autumn Wind arrives and takes the party to Nasrad, the capital of Vane (more ripoffs, this time from Skies of Arcadia Legends). herod_the_nut was swearing madly at the plague and the deathlords, so:

Autumn Wind: Nice vocabulary.
Melzer: You talk to the Dragons with that mouth?

They get to Nasrad to find out there was a disturbance the preceding night. Seems Adria (our lovely young friend in the collar) was brought into town with a man calling himself Panther (as a deliberate inversion of the signature character). They were going to do a "show" at a tavern, which usually involves a couple of whores dancing and then each man who paid the price of admission gets a ride included in the price, basically. Around the time the first guy takes his turn, some of the patrons realize the "whore" in this instance isn't exactly agreeing to this. One goes to fetch the guard. Just as the city guard arrives (as the seventh guy is taking his turn), Panther rips the current patron's throat out with razor claws, grabs Adria, and runs.

Prince Kahlan ships out the guard to find everyone involved: the twenty men in the tavern that night and the tavernkeeper. Upon hearing all the evidence presented by the city guard and the witnesses, the man who went for the guard is dismissed with thanks for being a good citizen. The six men who actually participated in the gang rape are sentenced to castration. The twelve who merely watched are sentenced to twenty lashes each. The innkeeper, for allowing this thing, is castrated as well as whipped. sabrielrose is grimly pleased. The boys twitch.

herod_the_nut: Off with their heads!
Jeremy: The other one!

The party goes riding with Autumn Wind along the river and sees a pair of people standing on the other side.

sabrielrose: I'm betting it's Fancypants and Princess Stupid.

It is, in fact. Fancypants, aka Panther, aka Overwhelming Shadow, announces that Autumn Wind has three days to consider his options, and casts River of Blood. Autumn Wind sends the party back to the castle, but herod_the_nut lingers to see him cast Emerald Countermagic with a flickering green anima, and goes back content in the certainty that Autumn Wind is clearly a Wood-aspected Dragon-Blooded and therefore in his rightful place as a ruler of Creation. End game 5.

Game 6 opens with the party trying to figure out what to do about the Deathlord's ultimatum.

Melzer: So what if a god wearing a God-Kicking Boot puts his foot in his mouth?

sabrielrose starts drilling soldiers in basic swordsmanship, while Melzer is building barricades (because Nasrad is definitely not built for a siege) and herod_the_nut is churning out weaponry as fast as he can without Charms.

sabrielrose, on rousing speeches: So you guys live here and you probably like this place a whole lot...

As Sam is drilling in the courtyard, she sees a vast army marching in, under a white standard with three crimson teardrops on it. The leader of this army, a massive eight-foot-tall Dawn Caste in white armour with the device of three red tears, rides up to her along with Milena, the Cult Eclipse Caste, and says "Hi. I'm here to fight with you." So she hauls him off to see Autumn Wind, and he places the 1000 assorted mercenaries (his and others') at Autumn Wind's disposal (cause Milena said so.) Ragara Absolom, a fanatical Wyld Huntsman who makes Cathak Cainan's adherence to the Immaculate Philosophy resemble my adherence to Christianity, may also be on his way. Autumn WInd sends for Melzer and herod_the_nut because he doesn't recall sending to Chiaroscuro for help. We were talking about the Dawn Caste Ladislav's lack of subtlety.

Melzer: Subtlety is for Night Castes.
sabrielrose: It is my middle name.
herod_the_nut: Banai Subtlety Adan?

Meanwhile, the Prophet who follows herod_the_nut around ranting about the Immaculate Golden Dragon of Time pops up again to talk about a war between teh Golden Dragon and its opposite number, the serpent of darkness Angra Mainyu (yes. Yes. I am ripping off every possible source for this game.) There will be a great battle between the darkness, the Golden Dragon, and the Pretender who is a pale imitation of the Golden Dragon. He also speaks an unintelligible blessing, presumably in Old Realm, over herod_the_nut.

And at that point, we paused game, cause I want a_leprechaun to be here for the battle of Vane.

Also, this morning I was listening to Joe Diffie's "Ships That Don't Come In", which includes the line "So here's to all the soldiers who have ever died in vain" but since i was thinking of Exalted I thought of "who have ever died in Vane." Which is about to be a whole lot what with the zombie invasion. Haha. i'm awful. I blame Melzer.

OK. Bored of typing about Exalted now. Read about Kingdom Hearts. Yes. Sealed Wonderland last night. Must beat it so I can read laylah-fic. Yes.

Random: I need Exalted icons.

quotes: exalted, exalted: southrons, storytelling

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