
Jul 20, 2006 08:18

So calhin's August issue of Game Informer arrived yesterday, and he had the July issue out as well, so I read through both of those last night. All I have to say is OMG SHINY. So many games coming out. And not nearly enough time to play them.

If Xenosaga is even half as interesting as Xenogears, I'm going to want to get Xenosaga III. (I have II, just haven't played it.) Oh, and then there's Neverwinter Nights 2, because I am a ridiculous slut for RPGs. And Final Fantasy V Advance and Final Fantasy VI Advance, plus the new Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess in November (like I'll actually beat it but I keep pretending). And Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus, because Squeenix owns my SOUL and Vincent rocks. Speaking of Squeenix, I almost forgot Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria. *flails and gibbers* Need more gaming time. More gaming time!! Rarg! Oh, also? I really want a PSP now. I can't recall specifically which game title it was that made me flail and go "Dammit now I have to buy a PSP" but there definitely was one. Too much gaming goodness crammed into my brain.

Last day at work prior to vacation. I have two more loads of laundry to do when I get home (some more I'll have to do after I get back from vacation, but the 2 loads tonight are the stuff that I need for vacation.) Also taking the car down to the car-fixy place so they can poke at it and make it not do stupid things anymore. I'm going to make sure I pack my Exalted stuff so I can do some more chron planning; it'll be hard to do a lot of the details without access to my vast library of Exalted shinies, but I should be able to finish the process of creating NPC character sheets and planning the immediate plot arc, including the First and Forsaken Lion's campaign into Creation with the Legion Sanguinary at his back, and that thing where the Five Maidens show up to stop him and he makes them go squish.

Oh, and the Scarlet Empress is going to lead 50 Infernal Exalted into Creation :D

Return to the salt mines....It's nigh-black and incredibly rainy outside. :( This makes me incredibly sad.

exalted: southrons, video games, car

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