
Jul 14, 2006 08:25

Ahhh, Friday.

So. Wednesday night's insomnia did have one productive aspect; once I was tired enough to go to bed, in the 20 minutes or so before I fell asleep I decided on the next chapter of "Crimson Memories" (celeloriel, I need to ask you some things about that fic, actually), and figured out 3 or 4 other pieces I need to write. Yay.

Moving away from fandom now, calhin cooked a most excellent steak dinner last night. I was pretty tired from the lack of sleep the night before (plus half a Smirnoff Ice and a glass and a half of wine) so I zonked out around 10:30 or thereabouts. I did not sleep well; I kept waking up every half hour or hour. I'm not sure why but I remember weird, vivid dreams that had somewhat to do with The Bijou, although not really, just a bunch of the Bijou boys running about draped in the jewels of their name (Mmm, Cobalt.)

Ahem. Anyway. The cat slept in on my bed last night, which is weird because he really hasn't been doing that at all this summer. I figured out why when I got up this morning; he's been eating rubber bands again and had thrown up in two different places that I was able to locate. So that was a brilliant start to my morning.

In other news, I saw two really odd things while driving yesterday. The first was when I was zipping down the Edens on my way home last night; there was a car broken down by the side of the road. Its apparent owner was seated in the shade of a small tree some 10-20 feet away in a collapsible chair (like a director's chair, kinda) with a newspaper. Just kind of an odd thing to see.

Also, when I was on my way through Wilmette on the way home, I drove past a large truck carrying what looked like pieces of a playground set: swings, monkey bars, slides and the like. It made me want to be a little kid again because I loved running around :)

Mmm, Cinnamon Toast Crunch is definitely a cereal meant to be eaten dry with a glass of milk rather than with milk in the cereal itself. But I'm weird like that.

Anyway. Bristol this weekend! unclehyena, I'll probably be getting there round about 1:30 or so, my roommates tell me. Hopefully we will run into each other ^_^ Or I can send you my cell # or something.

*blinks sleepily* Right. Now with a little luck, today will be quiet and I can finish my first fic for aheadonourway.

Total number of themes or challenges claimed: 1,063
Total number of themes completed: 17.

Erm. I....yeah. Oh dear.

random, driving, writing, renaissance faire, fanfic

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