Listen to the rain...

Jul 03, 2006 07:48

It's very grey outside. This makes it very hard for me to wake up and be cheerful at work. Rain just makes me want to snuggle into my massive pile of blankets and pillows with the cat tucked underneath my chin, and sleep the day away.

At least I had a good weekend; I wrote ficness on Friday (hurray!). We ordered from Leona's and watched Boston Legal, which is of course made of awesome. Then Saturday was kind of interesting. I got up and went to LaSalle because I was desperately in need of quarters to do laundry with, since I was out of clean shirts that are suitable for work. On the way back I was debating whether I wanted to stop for Chipotle, because on the one hand, delicious Chipotle. On the other hand, spending money == bad!

I eventually decided to stop and get Chipotle, so I parked and hopped out of my car, and as I was getting out I noticed two dollar bills lying in the gutter. I bent down to pick them up, and a third was blown out from beneath my car, which I also picked up. There was a fourth one lying right next to my tire, so I grabbed that one as well. I guess the moral of the story is: go to Chipotle o_o;; I did look around to see if anyone was looking like they'd lost $4, but no one appeared to be nearby, so I shrugged and went along to get my burrito.

I got back home and did a few last-minute touch-ups to The Good Fight, posted that in various places, and then drove herod_the_nut to Linens N Things. As previously mentioned, they had the massage chair things out. AWESOME. My back actually stopped hurting for a while o_o; Also I got a new pillow which I am hoping will make my neck not hurt in the morning.

Let's see, what else? We had dinner at Trattoria Saturday night, and came back to our place for Martini Night. Drinks were had, Halo was played, and there was dancing. herod_the_nut can never run for public office now, for we have video of the dancing. All in all it was a good time, though.

I didn't do much yesterday other than buying groceries for 4th of July (I'm making the potato salad, deviled eggs, and baked beans. Mmm.) So a 5lb bag of potatoes (not all of which will be used), 3 dozen eggs, various condiments, and 3 cans of baked beans are awaiting my efforts in the kitchen right now. I'll get to that when I get home.

Now if I could just make my mako_reactor claim cooperate with me so I can cross another fic off my list....

*sigh* Oh, Monday. Why must you be miserable?

I hope today is quietquiet at work. >.<;

random, cooking, fourth of july, whee

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