Pack the good and leave the rest

Jun 23, 2006 23:08

Well, Gwydion's almost fully backed up (and mattchu, YOU WIN! Thank you!)

And I'm listening to Riverdance and hopping around trying to step-dance, poorly. Since all I know of step-dance is what I learnt in high school from Siobhán.

But I had stir-fry and a decent white merlot for dinner, and I soaked in a hot bubble bath for about half an hour, and I am clean and comfy and yay relaxed, even if I didn't accomplish *anything* I planned to tonight.

I've been re-reading Abyssals. My players should run in fear. I've got all KINDS of evil shinies in mind. Plus I figured out the origin and goals of a certain Deathlord's Malfean. *snerk* Beyond the obvious, I mean. And more of said Deathlord's evil plots. (Hey, she's in between First and Forsaken Lion and Eye and Seven Despairs; cleverness is her friend.)

Right. More wine.

exalted: southrons, yay

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