Feb 25, 2006 20:20
BeatrixIceQueen: i hate that I did the most (and perhaps the best) writing when I was depressed out of my fucking mind
jasonventer: Yeah, that's crazy.
BeatrixIceQueen: i refuse to go back there
BeatrixIceQueen: so I must find some other means of inspiration
jasonventer: I did the most writing when I was happy.
jasonventer: I'm pretty content again, though.
jasonventer: I'm just content with a totally different life.
BeatrixIceQueen: considering the general theme of my writing
BeatrixIceQueen: i'm thoroughly unsurprised that I write most when depressed
jasonventer: Find new themes, then!
BeatrixIceQueen: yeah but I won't scrap Wyrdborn :-)
BeatrixIceQueen: and i can't change the theme without doing so.
jasonventer: "I'm so blissfully happy!" Celes said as the shackles dug at her wrists. "It's rainbows and puffy clouds for me!"
BeatrixIceQueen: oh god. *rolls eyes*
BeatrixIceQueen: twit. *fwaps affectionately*
jasonventer: Suddenly, the door opened and Locke stepped inside. "My my," he said. "Isn't this a lovely situation?"
jasonventer: "Be a love and pick the locks," Celes cooed. "You look like the thieving type."
BeatrixIceQueen: commence bdsm fanfic.
jasonventer: "That's treasure hunter," Locke said, "and now I've access to your treasures. You're too busy to notice. You're all tied up!"
jasonventer: Oh, how sad it is that a bright and cheery fanfic turned dark so quickly.
BeatrixIceQueen: oh come on
BeatrixIceQueen: haha
BeatrixIceQueen: it'd be funny
jasonventer: You now see why I don't write them anymore.
BeatrixIceQueen: you know it would
jasonventer: Yeah, it would turn into another of my FFVIII fics...
BeatrixIceQueen: erk
BeatrixIceQueen: let us never speak of those again.
BeatrixIceQueen: ever.
final fantasy vi,
video games,
quotes: fandom,