Days go by.

Feb 24, 2006 07:56

Oh, hurray hurray for Friday.

Friday Gripes
I'm cold :(
I'm way sleepy.
My stomach is still upset and I don't know why.
Too much to do today.
Aaaack out of money.
OT this afternoon. On Friday. BLARG.

Friday Good Things
Friday!!! That means in 9 hours I'm free! At least for the weekend.
Skating this weekend!
Macbeth Saturday night
Asado tomorrow

The cat is being a severe numbnuts. Yesterday he decided to anoint the futon. I have no idea why as I cleaned his litter Wednesday night before I went to bed. This morning when I woke up he attacked my feet. This is not uncommon; he likes to run up behind me and grab onto my leg with his front paws and make an effort at biting the back of my leg. This morning he wanted to gnaw on my ankles. I eventually threw him out of my room cause I was getting sick of being bitten. Then sabrielrose goes to pet him and he's sweetness and light. gah.

So yesterday I went to an information session regarding the Master of Arts in Writing program at DePaul. As far as I'm concerned it was out in the middle of nowhere (Naperville) - the campus was hard to find, and 40 miles each way, so I'm very very glad that most of the classes are taught at the Lincoln Park campus, because I *so* could not do that all the time. The presentation was interesting and it's pretty clear that the program is oriented toward working adults. I think I'd like to apply, although it'll take some juggling of monies and potentially also requesting some flexible scheduling at work. I'll probably write to Heyck asking for a letter of recommendation; not required but can be submitted, and application is only $25. Tuition costs are going to be high, though, so it's financial aid applications for me! Yay, I can have more debt in exchange for another functionally worthless degree!

Which reminds me that part of the weekend must be devoted to job hunting.

I'm so tired :( And there are so many things I need to buy right now (like a birthday present for my mom; I'm probably going to buy her a copy of RENT). Also I need to take my car to get looked at because when the guy replaced the fuel pump he must've buggered something else up, because it leaked some gas yesterday when I filled it up. They didnt' find anything when they did the courtesy check on Wednesday when I took it in for an oil change, but that doesn't mean much. Now the question is: do I take it back to the place where I originally had the work done (and give them another opportunity to screw up, but potentially not pay for it) or go to Firestone and pay them to do the inspection thing?


Figure skating last night was interesting. I'm glad Shizuka Arikawa got the gold medal; I don't like Irina Slutskaya (she suffers from Yevgeny Plushenko's problem of "too much power, not enough style") and Arikawa's one of the few female skaters I've watched in the last few days who has the power to do the jumps cleanly and the grace to make it look good when she's not jumping. Plus it prevented a Russian sweep on figure skating gold. Awesome. It's too bad about Sasha Cohen, but she has a habit of choking in competition, unfortunately.

Driving up north to see secretsquirrel2 this evening. Adventures in driving! During Friday rush hour! Yay! Only not, but I guess we'll see how that goes. Hopefully I don't get lost. I did ok yesterday driving to Naperville, but I did flip out a little when I couldn't find some of the roads I was looking for.

I so need to sleep for a while :( If I'm not feeling better by the end of the day I may not even get to drive up north; my tummy is upset and my head doesn't feel right. Kind of floaty. Not fun. And I can't have caffeine because it'll upset my stomach. AWESOME. Except not.

school, olympics, whine, masters, figure skating, car

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