me, to Melzer: Yeah, reading the Book of Bone and Ebony is giving me so much plot. Not even I-kill-you plot. More like "Fuck with your head" plot or Thwacky Plot Stick of Beating Doom + 5.
So I was playing Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time today because I got inspired at work while talking about ancient 8-bit goodness with
evillotto. I never realized how WRONG that game could be until I snarked it with
sabrielrose and Jeremy. Man, we laughed. Including this little gem:
We were discussing the plot revelation of Link being Hylian, not Kokiri.
Me: Gee, how did we ever guess? Clearly he is the King of Hylia's bastard by-blow.
Jeremy: The king had sex with a tree?!
Me: Yes.
Yeah. Good times.