Exalted, Drinking, Football, Music, Clothes, SHORT WEEK, B-Fest, And a Host of Other Foolishness

Jan 23, 2006 23:34

Oh, so many updates.  Where to start?

It's been a long time since I did a proper update, so we'll summarize all of last week with a resounding IT FUCKING SUCKED.  Monday wasn't too bad because everyone assumed we were off for the holiday (we weren't).  The rest of the week.....oh dear God.  1400-second queues.  I wanted to cause myself violent harm of some sort.

So by the end of the week I really needed to feel better.  I decided to run an Exalted oneshot - part II of the one I had run previously, wherein six Dragon-Bloods laid waste to an Abyssal Dusk Caste named Joy in Blessed Surcease, her two war-ghosts, and a fang of zombies.  We were two players short, so I reworked the second half of the oneshot.  They chased down Alaya and Jazen.  Words were exchanged with some really excellent roleplaying.  Melzer decided to stand down from the combat.  Jazen disarmed Jeremy and gave him the option to walk away.  Tepet Ejava now owes Crimson Fury a favour.  All is shiny.

Speaking of running Exalted, timeshaper paid me an incredible compliment the other day.  He had asked me to describe to him my one-shot from Friday, and having done so, he said "You've really grown as a gamemaster from that first game you ran....you let the players have fun instead of forcing it to be all your way."  Hearing that, and especially from Dana because we don't get on well with regards to gaming, was incredibly awesome.  It's also weird that he and I are getting along much better than we used to; amazing what no longer living together does.

Saturday night was fun.  We had some drinks, some music, a lot of laughter.  I got absurdly drunk off 5 drinks, I dont' know what happened there.  sabrielrose indulged her inner 15 year old girl and played some Avril Lavigne, that was fun.  Also, while IMing folks I probably said a lot more than I ought to have done.  The people in question are still talking to me, though, so I guess I wasn't too bad.

Sunday Melzer and I got dice (and books) at Something Wicked, since they're going out of business.  I picked up the Game of Thrones RPG, he got Sidereals (finally a good copy) and some dice.  Football infuriated me generally.  I would have been happy with literally ANY OTHER of the AFC playoffs teams in the Superbowl EXCEPT Pittsburgh.  Jax, Denver, Patriots, Bengals, or Colts - any of these would've been fine.  Why the fuck did it have to be Dicksburgh?  And don't even get me started on the Panthers/Seahawks.  What pisses me off most is now I have to root for the team that beat both teh Skins AND the Panthers because I really do hate Dicksburgh that much.  ARGH.

Also, I need jerseys for the following:  Jake Delhomme, Favre, either Portis, Arrington, or Brunell, and some Jags player yet undetermined.  I want football clothes :(

Melzer made delicious lasagna for dinner last night, which was really good.  I generally don't like lasagna but I really enjoy his.

On a brighter note, yesterday calhin played the Chocobo Robo Voice song, which I sang along with word-perfect, and sabrielrose kept demanding rhetorically how it was that i knew all the words.  Then I played Rabbit Joint's Legend of Zelda, and teki was like "Yes Melzer!  Fill up your hearts so you can shoot your sword with power!"  It killed sabrielrose.  It killed her good.

I need a brief period of whining here, sorry.  *begin emo*

Goddamn it, I want cuddles.  And right now I am horny as all flying hell and it's aggravating the shit out of me since I don't have a reasonably good outlet for such.  And I'm really tired, and I spent the weekend being generally depressed for no reason I can think of, and oh my GOD am I frustrated right now in general.

*end emo*

Sorry about that.  On a more cheerful note, this is a 3 day week, one day down, since I took Thursday and Friday off.  And I'm supposed to meet someone new on Wednesday, which should be fun.  And B-Fest is on Friday!  Shiny joy.

I finished Creatures of the Wyld yesterday and I'm halfway through the Terrestrial Sorcery chapter in Book of 3 Circles.  Reading proceeds apace.  Bo3C is going faster than Savant and Sorcerer did, probably because I already have a basic familiarity with the material.

OK.  Time to go aggravate seif some, cause I can =p  and then sleep.

hilarity, horny, exalted, depressed, football, quotes

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