Dec 12, 2005 00:52

Oh, God. I went to see Rent tonight with Melzer, herod_the_nut and Jeremy. It was very very odd to see Detective Green from Law and Order in Rent, I must say.

I'm not sure I'd ever heard this musical all the way through - various snatches while spending entirely too much time in pooka_madness's dorm room sophomore year - but oh, wow. Must now buy soundtrack. And I bawled for like the last 20 minutes/half hour/whatever. When things start getting tearful. Christ.

But yes, very wonderful, I'm very glad I went. Is it me or did some songs like "Light My Candle" get oddly cut and rearranged? Again, never heard the whole thing through - but I thought it might've been. I might just be crazy.

I want to write. I hate that I have to go to sleep and get up for work tomorrow morning. I want to go back to being a college student when insufficient sleep just meant I came home after classes for a nap (to fill out the one I'd had during class of course....)

Bleh. I will not be emo. I will be happy-Meglet.

I have a ramble-y post to make later about me and self-confidence and attitude, but I can't do it now or I'll NEVER go to sleep, so instead I am off to bed.

Sidereals is already bending my brain....stupid frigging terminology, I hate everything. Ah well. I shall persevere, and moreover, I shall triumph!

Oh yeah - re: previews. I kind of want to see Mrs. Henderson Presents, though I'm vaguely fearful that the best parts of the movie were in the preview. I'm ashamed that I want to see Brokeback Mountain, and I'm embarrassed that I want to see Casanova, but there you go - I'm ridiculously drawn to anything Heath Ledger is starring in. *rolls eyes at self*


There's only us, there's only this, forget regret, or life is yours to miss. No other road, no other way, no day but today...

movies, musicals

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