Meme Snick from Rosa

Dec 02, 2005 18:48

1. My username is ____ because ____.
2. My journal is titled ____ because ____
3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.

1.  My username is Lassarina because, well, it's my default username.  It was my first RP character, a name I fell in love with from the Keltiad novels.  It's my general online identity and to be honest I have turned around upon hearing "Hey Rina!" IRL.

2.  My journal is titled "Ice Crystals" because I had a Shiva theme that I loved and since at the time I was being Whiny Angsty Wannabe-Goth Bitch, it had a frozen heart/tears connotation amused me.  I stuck with it because I like it, though I am not really that person anymore.

3.  My subtitle is "Thoughts Frozen in Time" because it fits with the ice motif and because that's what journal entries are: snapshots of yourself frozen in time that you can view later through a lens of experience.

4.  My friends page is called "Frozen Impressions" for the reasons given for #3 above, and because all you can gain is an impression from the snapshots of your friends, you don't truly "know" them.

5.  My default userpic is Celes because she fucking rocks.


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