It's so incredibly glorious outside!
So, life as it stands: I took Thursday and Friday off, beat Zophar in LUNAR 2, planned Easter Game (with Melzer, Jeremy, and
herod_the_nut). Saturday we ran Easter Game. Apparently folks enjoyed it; we had a couple of snags where we just didn't anticipate some things happening, but we sorted it pretty well, I like to think, and I am told that people had fun so that's great.
Sunday I bought some software and started my taxes. Yesterday was largely quiet, and nicely warm.
Today was absolutely glorious. It's 79 here, sunny, and so sweet. I had a wild urge to go somewhere outside where no one would be watching and dance around naked in the midst of blooming spring flowers, just for the sheer joy of it being spring and sunny and perfect.
unclehyena, are we dinner-ing tomorrow? Or is you still not feeling well? *hug*
I have shiny new books which I shall squee about later. Also I've been reading Mage books like crazy.
All right. Off to read. I'll ramble more later.