
Feb 13, 2005 12:20

Oops.  So now once a week has slid to once every two weeks, and it's been equally long since I read friendspages....(Sorry guys, I skimmed over everything from people I'm not really close to so, if it was critical, comment with a link.)

Let's see, what all has happened?  New responsibilities at work continue to pile up, had a ridiculous pile of crap with the first one I got (something to do with checks not being cashed and many complications thereto).  My mom came up last weekend and took me out and thoroughly spoiled me.  She arrived late on Friday night and I went down to O'Hare to pick her up with shoecollar.  We came back and introduced her to sabrielrose and she talked to calhin for a while.  Chris and I took her to her hotel and all was well.  Saturday morning she and I got up bright and early and headed for Michigan Avenue.

Our first stop was Andriana Furs, because they had a sale on (60% off) and Mom wanted a fur-lined coat.  She got a beautiful black mink-lined reversible coat, which was awesome.  I drooled a lot over a full-length black beaver coat with chinchilla collar and cuffs.  Mom asked if I wanted it and I reluctantly said no, because it's not the sort of thing I could precisely wear to work and I don't think that at this point in my life I would take proper care of such a nice thing.  (Although, a fur coat in Chicago = snuggly warm.  sigh.)

After that we made our way to the Lego store down on the Mile.  They had a ton of amazing stuff there, including a T-rex as tall as I am, a lifesize model of Darth Vader, and a scale model of that section of the Magnificent Mile that came up past my waist.  I was so incredibly tempted to just pick up a couple of 1000-piece buckets of Legos, but my darling cat would eat or run off with half of them, so I refrained.

We also went to the Apple store so I could get an iTrip.  Hurray!

We ended up getting lunch at the food court in the same building as the Lego store.  They had a place that sold wraps you could build up yourself, so I got one with chicken, avocado, tomato, mozzarella, and balsamic vinaigrette.  It was absolutely fabulous.  (Then I killed the healthiness of said wrap by stealing some of Mom's french fries.  Oh well, c'est la vie.)  We went to Nordstrom's, where Mom bought me a ton of new makeup and some new soap and eye makeup remover, as well as a makeup case.  Then we wandered back to the car and sat and chatted for a while while Mom had a cigarette.  (Ugh.)

After that we went roaming through Victoria's Secret and didn't find anything thoroughly entrancing; the only thing I really thought about getting was more underwear, and I have plenty of that as it is.  None of the nightgowns looked particularly entertaining.  I did see a little girl who was like eleven wandering around in there and I'm just thinking "Kid, you do not belong in this store.  Go back to JC Penney" and then my mom made a similar comment.

We went to Border's, where Mom bought me two Wicca books and two cookbooks.  Mom got some fluff novels and some stuff to learn Irish for when we go to Ireland (not this summer, btw; no money and no vacation time for Meglet.  Sad.)  We took a look at a kiosk for Rosetta Stone; I wanted the Japanese ones and Mom was looking at the French ones.  I haven't made up my mind yet whether the $200 price tag is worth asking for even though I know my mom would buy it.

At this point we were pretty well shopped out, so we wandered back down the Mile to the car and flipped through the cookbooks, then had a nice half hour nap.  We drove to Lawry's and had a fabulous dinner with calhin, shoecollar and sabrielrose.  Then we came home and Mom went to bed; I hung out with Chris, Sam, John, and Jeremy for a while and then crashed out myself.

Sunday morning Mom, Sam, and I went to Ikea, where I got a new dresser and a kitchen cart (again courtesy of Mom's credit card.)  We went to Old Orchard and roamed around for a while (I got more makeup) and had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory.  We came back and took my sewing machine to Vogue to have it fixed.  Mom and I oohed over a Bengal kitten at Thee Fish Bowl.  Then I took Mom to the airport, and it was sad, cause she was gone :(

This week has been largely uneventful except for my wonderful Sabbat Brujah meeting her end (partially through my own stupidity, and somewhat from my lack of serious knowledge of the system--I didn't even think of Potence-leaping away.  sigh.)  Now I am playing a Lasombra independent.  I really, really, really want to beat things to death with a combo of Potence and Obtenebration.  But given DCP's habit of mass combats at last game, I suspect I shall get the chance.

Yeah, that about covers it.  My life outside of work is.....what's the word....oh right, nonexistent.  The search for a new apartment for the fall continues apace.  That's about it.

dcp: las vegas, shopping, chicago

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