I really really need to start updating more often than once a week.

Feb 03, 2005 18:57

Last week was somewhat long but all right, I guess.  We had some back-and-forth (finally resolved) over B-Fest, but did end up going, so that was fabulous.  Friday morning I had an interview for some sort of administrative/semi-legal/sorta-bookkeeping position.  I don't think I did too well because it was 9 am on my day off and I was frazzled and tired and brain-dead.

sabrielrose lost her storytelling virginity on Saturday after B-Fest with a fun little Mage one-shot.  The rest of the week has consisted largely of stupid people at work, a sudden piling on of new responsibilities, and cleaning desperately so that when my mom gets here on Friday she will not have a litter of kittens at the state of the apartment (though it would be amusing to give Ganon some company!)

In other news....I want to play NWN.  Maybe I will do that this evening instead of making pumpkin bread.  Also I will have to prepare potato soup.  Mmmm.

b-fest, gaming

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