Okay, it's been a vaguely eventful few days.
My sunburn is still wretched, and is driving me crazy. Mom hath decreed that I shall wear a T-shirt at the beach tomorrow (we haven't been the last two days.) Heh.
Yesterday was quite calm. We went to see The Bourne Supremacy which I very much enjoyed. I enjoyed the camera work in the flashback sequences, which I thought contributed quite a bit to the mood and understanding the fragmentary nature of them, and I loathed the way the camera was done in the one fight scene; it added disorientation and confusion in a situation where such was not advantageous to the presentation of the scene. I thought the last line was excellent, and am looking forward to the next film in the series. Matt Damon seems to be doing reasonably well in the role, which is cool. This brings my summer "should-see" list down to The Stepford Wives and King Arthur. I"ll have to see about those when I get back to EV IL, as no theatre around here seems to be showing either one.
Last night I introduced my cousin Amy to Neopets, which was very cute and fun. She's a great kid, incredibly helpful and she takes really good care of her younger brother when such is entrusted to her. She helped Liam (her youngest brother) make me a very sweet card yesterday--Liam drew it and told her what he wanted it to say, and she wrote it, as he is but three years of age. It says something like "I hope you can come visit us at our house sometime, Love, Liam." Very cute.
I finished reading Enchanter yesterday, and between yesterday and today have devoured most of Starman. I have to say, while I am deeply enjoying the trilogy, it has developed into the kind of overblown, "character x and character y develop godlike power" type of thing that I have outgrown. As I read it, I thought of the writing advice on the author's website, and determined that I do not think particularly highly of it. Her writing has a number of flaws that I can see, although I still find it quite enjoyable, and the copy-editing in StarMan is worse than your average White Wolf Games supplement, which is really saying something.
Other than that, Mom and Dad and I roamed the boardwalk today. I finally found a shop that sells the little sand castles that I collect (I buy one each time I visit here)--the shop I used to get them from has stopped selling them, but the place I found today has prettier ones for less. The detail on these things is exquisite, really. Mom also bought me a new bikini, this one in bright red. I shall have to wear it to the beach tomorrow. Unlike the other one, it is not strapless, but that will be all to my advantage in the waves, as I spent most of Monday retrieving my top where the waves had knocked it askew. I'm sure some poor bastard got an eyeful of my boobs at some point. *shrug* Eh, well.
Then we went to Obadiah's for dinner--a family tradition. It's a nice, expensive seafood restaurant. (Of course we're on the Atlantic coast, literally 2 blocks from the ocean, so the seafood.....mmmm!) I had a Bailey's on the rocks, lobster bisque, salad, crackers and crab dip, and Alaskan king crab legs with cheddar mashed potatoes. I also had a bite of Uncle Chris's he-crab bisque, which was fantastic (as was all the food.) Mom helped me get the crabmeat out of the crab legs--it's not that I can't do it myself, but the shells were softish so the crack-the-shell thingy just made them bend instead of cracking, and the spines were particularly sharp. At any rate, I ate about half of it and then gave the rest to Uncle Chris, while Grandma Mim gave the rest of hers to Uncle Kevin (who had helped her pick the crableg much as Mom helped me.) We discussed board games and the sheer ridiculousness of the laws in various college towns, and laughed a lot. It was good. Now here I am, playing about with my computer. :) I've been online almost an hour and haven't even gotten to my e-mail yet....I've been too busy reading up on
you lot's doings. Well, off I go to check the e-mail.
Oh, oh! And the other thing! I got a job offer today! So assuming I pass the drug test (not a problem as I have never used drugs) and some other stuff, I HAVE A JOB! *gasp of relief*
Now to make this the perfect day, all I need is my sunburn to go away and some cuddling....*laugh* Ah well, cyber cuddles shall have to do.