
Jul 14, 2004 04:07

So yesterday was quiet--spreadnparanoia and pooka_madness came over after Mage and Sam beat Legend of Dragoon, finally, which is nice for her. We mocked it violently. :)

Today I got up early and went to an interview with yet another temp agency/recruiter. *sigh* I came home, made some spaghetti sauce, and finished planning my Demon game. The planning and the spaghetti sauce went well; most of game was good, but there were bad points. Notably my failure to completely assemble the party as of yet (though full props to Jeremy for remembering something I didn't and building a chunk of plot out of it), but even more significantly there was a very bad point with Dana.

Essentially, I tend to misunderstand when he is, in all seriousness, presenting a template for in-character action and when he is just being ridiculous, because he presents the two statements in much the same tone, so the sarcasm frequently gets lost on me. (Also, I have had players in the past who have presented incredibly ridiculous proposals in all seriousness....) Having run a couple of scenes involving his character, he had suggested the creation of a Virtual-Adept-worthy encryption key, jokingly. He brought up the idea of new encryption again later, without clarifying that he meant a more mundane type, and we got into a shouting match about what he could and could not do, which ended with my temper spiking and him choosing to go play City of Heroes instead of Demon (which gave me, at least, some time to cool off, but still.) Admittedly I did not handle it a tenth as well as I could have, what with losing my temper and all, but I had gotten very frustrated with him. Not an excuse, and I feel bad about it now. I suspect a combination of tiredness and PMS. =/ I have some ideas for dealing with this kind of issue better in later games.

The highlight of game, though, was a not-really-in-character absolutely hilarious discussion between spreadnparanoia and bobbler about tree babies. We spent a good 20 minutes to half hour laughing until our stomachs hurt at that little bit of insanity. Also a really great conversation between pooka_madness's character and bobbler's,

Also I have decided on my soundtrack for game planning (Evanescence's Fallen, because it's just too perfect) so hopefully that will go more smoothly in the future. I'm also rather proud of the two messed up little things I created for Pooka and Rob.

After game was over, Pooka played some FF Tactics and others departed for home. Then he and I watched a couple of really messed up episodes of Alias. I'm driving spreadnparanoia to her training session for work tomorrow at like.....11:30 or something, so I need to go to bed once I'm done here.

shoecollar, sorry I didn't come back at an appropriately early time :( I did want to talk to you.

Bed now.

demon: the fallen, video games, gaming, storytelling

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