Writing quizlet snicked off Theron and Ris

Jun 01, 2004 16:49

What is your screen name? Usual name is Lassarina, on AIM it's BeatrixIceQueen or Celes RuneKnight.

Why did you chose your custom title? Kweh?

How much do you read? Pretty well constantly. Usually when I ought to be doing homework instead!

Do you read more than one book at a time? Often, when one is school and another is for fun. Though depending on the text--if it's informational (Wicca-related, RPG-related, scholarly, etc) I will usually be reading a different, fiction book at the same time.

What's your preference: paperback or hardcover? Hardcover is heavier, but stands up to me dragging books around better. I don't really care.

Which authors have most influenced you? Anne Bishop, Patricia Kennealy-Morrison, Melanie Rawn

What story do you love so much you re-read it? Oh man, there are so many. The Black Jewels Trilogy, the Keltiad books, and Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince would top the list though.

What book should be made into a movie and hasn't yet? *ponders* Daughter of the Forest might be kind of neat.

What was the first thing you ever wrote? A very silly little story about three princesses, Sapphire, Amethyst, and Aquamarine. My two best friends and I, when we were 8, had a game in which we were princesses named after our actual birthstones. The story went through a couple of permutations and I might go back to it as a children's story someday, but I haven't done anything about it in years. I think it was inspired both by our game, and by a story called "The Ordinary Princess" which appeared in Cricket magazine. I'd really love to find a copy of that story, actually, it was sweet.

What inspires you to write? Music, stories, games, random things that I see, idle thoughts.

What is your best writing environment? Late at night, appropriate mood music, and either hyped up on caffeine or slightly tipsy, because I just write instead of thinking too hard about what I'm doing.

What is the longest period of time you've had writer's block? About 8 months. It sucked horribly and I never want to deal with that again.

What's the longest you've stared at a black screen or piece of paper? I don't really know.

Have you ever had anything published? A couple poems.

Have you looked into publishing? No, because my stuff isn't finished yet. Although I've submitted a couple stories to contests.

How much do you edit? Constantly. I'm perpetually re-reading what I've written and tweaking things here and there.

Have you taken any writing classes? A couple writing classes at NU.

How much of your writing do you base on personal experience? Not very much. I'm not in the habit of finding myself in epic battles with demons and dragons.

What type of stories do you like to write (as in genre: sci-fi/fantasy, mysteries, drama, historical fiction etc.)? Fantasy and fanfic.

What's your worst or most repetitive writing error? Insufficiently well-rounded characters. Also unbalanced description--too much in some places and too little in others.

What's a word that, when spelled correctly, still looks wrong to you? There are very few that do. I don't really have spelling issues.

Best part about being a writer? When you've poured so much time and effort into something and you don't even know what it's about anymore, but then someone you don't even know drops you a line to say how much they enjoy what you've written. I fucking *love* that feeling. Also, when you've finally gotten that damned nagging idea set down on paper so it can leave you alone.

Worst part about being a writer? Writer's block. Also my current lack of confidence to actually do what I've been wanting for most of my life--publish a novel.

Most embarrassing moment in a bookstore or library? I don't know that I have one.


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