Meme and babble.

May 24, 2004 02:03

1. Take five books off your bookshelf.
2. Book #1 -- first sentence
3. Book #2 -- last sentence on page fifty
4. Book #3 -- second sentence on page one hundred
5. Book #4 -- next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty
6. Book #5 -- final sentence of the book
7. Make the five sentences into a paragraph.

A relatively random sampling of my bookshelf produces the following:

Lessa woke, cold. But after the roaring, there was only shocked silence; and then there was something else. She glanced at him under her lashes. "It's enough to make him start asking questions." "There's just one thing I want to make clear: whatever we do, it's to have nothing to do with wizards!"


1. Anne McCaffrey, Dragonflight.
2. Patricia Kennealy-Morrison, Blackmantle.
3. Juliet Marillier, Daughter of the Forest.
4. Anne Bishop, Queen of the Darkness.
5. Juliet E. McKenna, The Thief's Gamble.

I'll revisit my to-do list from a few days back, and check off what's done:

1) Formulate a thesis (due Monday 24 May)
2) Finish reading KT sources (due Monday 24 May)
3) Find medieval sources (due Monday 24 May)
4) Read Orestaia and Antigone (due Tuesday 25 May)
5) Research Irish for Linguistics (due Thursday 3 June, but needs to be done)
6) Write Classics paper (due Tuesday 25 May)
7) Write Linguistics paper (due Thursday 3 June)
8) Write KT paper (due Monday 7 June)
9) Find a job!

I've got a start on #9, as well, and I've decided to just not do the Orestaia. So I'm pretty well advanced on that list. I at least have a rough idea of a thesis and can work on it more solidly during Lingusitics after the quiz, which I have studied for now and shall again in the morning.

It's been a generally good day. I went to see Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare at the Rock with sabrielrose and calhin. It was moved to Parkes on account of rain, but was quite good nonetheless. Met a rather cute guy there, but sadly being me completely failed to ask for his number or something, for which Chris scolded me later. We'll see what I can do about that, anyway. *grins*

Came home, studied some, had a nap, studied more. Had an episode of losing the car keys which caused Dana to roll his eyes at me, then dropped him off at Clarke's to meet Kerry and betook myself to the library, where I realised I just wasn't going to get anything done, so instead I ended up at Nevin's with Chris for a drink and some conversation, then came back home, did my studying, located my medieval sources, read Antigone, formulated a basic idea for my Classics paper, got a better general premise for my Linguistics paper, and got more of a start on my History thesis. So I've had a damn productive day. It could have been more so, but you know what? I'm not willing to stay up any later worrying about this shit anymore. I made myself sick last week doing that very thing.

Now, I've just got to work out some other little things, and finish my papers, and enjoy what little remains of my senior year. Where in God's name did spring quarter go? I feel like I've not done anything and yet the quarter's damn near over! Ah well. On the bright side, I can waste a good 5-8 pages of my history paper summarizing the founding, rise, and fall of the Knights Templar, with some judicious medieval evidence, and then segue smoothly into analysing Clement V's bull on the guilt of the Temple and the "Lament for the Templars." That'll make that paper far, far, far easier to write. The Linguistics will be a little harder, but I definitely intend to enjoy part of my reading week, especially since my Classics paper will be pretty close to finished tomorrow (saving revisions from peer editing) and thus requires only minor tweaking. If I work harder this week (yeah right) I'll keep reading week free.

Anyway. Christ, why am I so wide-awake? I have class in slightly less than 9 hours and I'm not even close to sleepy. Maybe I should start reading more about the Knights Templar, it might put me to sleep rather effectively....

Oh, and a random poetry fragment, because I got bored and had a vaguely angsty image/train of thought that I wished to follow up:

And I wonder
If the sky fades to black
And colours bleed away
Will you remember what I look like
If everything falls silent
And you never hear my voice
Will you remember what I said
If my deeds should be erased
And no record remains of me
Will you keep me in your heart
And I wonder too
If colours never fade away
Sound echoes in the empty halls
And the records aren't erased
Would you remember me anyway?

--Meglet, 23 May 2004

good times, meme, classes, poetry

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