
May 21, 2004 02:35

So it seems I'm gonna go do something with herod_the_nut this weekend, or something. *cuts sidewise glances at NU friends* Silence, you lot!

Hung out a lot tonight. Got a lot of KT reading done. I have one book left to go (since one of the books I checked out, despite having a handy intro in English, is mostly in Latin. I'm way, way, way too lazy to translate, so fuck it.) I think I know which documents I want for my medieval sources; it's just a matter of finding them. De Nogaret's argument and the letter that James II of Aragon wrote back to Philip upon receiving allegations against the Temple would be a lovely contrast; the one designed to make everybody loathe the Templars and want to burn them on sight, the other defending the Temple in the name of services past rendered and the like.

Classics today was cancelled due to our prof having food poisoning, poor lady. I was going to work on reading the Orestaia tonight but the kitten could use some attention, so I'm going to play with him some more and then crash out, hopefully having tired him out so he'll sleep instead of flying around and attacking everything.

Things I still have to do:

1) Formulate a thesis (due Monday)
2) Finish reading KT sources (due Monday)
3) Find medieval sources (due Monday)
4) Read Orestaia and Antigone (due Tuesday)
5) Research Irish for Linguistics (due two weeks from today, but needs to be done)
6) Write Classics paper (due Tuesday)
7) Write Linguistics paper (due two weeks from today)
8) Write KT paper (due 7 June)
9) Find a job!

Eek. Back to the simpler pleasures of entertaining an adorable fuzzball.


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