Dear God.

May 17, 2004 03:31

Okay, so I'm completely winging my stuff on the Knights Templar tomorrow; no big, I can do it, and whatever.

I realised tonight that I hadn't done my Linguistics precis, nor the research for it. Cue half an hour of frantic 'Net searching for articles, which I came up with happily, and the realisation that I've completely forgotten to get my topic approved. Oops. I'm basically going to come clean with the prof and be like "I'm a master procrastinator, it's spring, I'm a senior, things got away from me." So I was going to go to sleep about an hour ago, get up at 8:30, read my article, write my precis, and gather up my brain for my oral presentation. Then the iced tea I had while watching X-Men with Blue kicked in, so I got up, got the article, read it whilst petting and playing with the cat, and now I'm preparing to write a precis. Then I will probably go to bed, having warned Dana not to get me up at 8:30 as we'd agreed. For being a good girl, I get to sleep till 9:30, at which point I get up, get ready, do some quick work on the Knights Templar and organize my actual argument, go to class, present, go to the library and read as fast as I can, meet with the prof, read as fast as I can some more, go to my seminar for the first time in a while.

I've really let a lot of things get away from me this quarter. I need to stop that. I have Mage tomorrow night and I can't really cancel that, but if I read like crazy on Tuesday and again on Wednesday afternoon, I should be caught up to where I should have been by now. I can also do some work after Mage is over.

I've fucked up a lot. Please Goddess, help me fix it.

Worrying about it does no good, nor does whining in my journal. It merely wastes time I could better be spending on doing the actual work or sleeping, both of which are pretty damn important to me right now. So I'm going to end this right here, and I'm going to write a precis, and I'm going to prepare an oral presentation, and then I'm going to try and catch around 5 and a half hours of sleep before I have to get up and go to class and make all of this come together properly.

Great Mother, I've fucked up and I know it. I have definitely earned this payback by just not doing my work when I was supposed to and not keeping up with school, because I've discarded responsibilities in favour of fun. Please help me restore the proper balance to my life and get things straightened out.

*deep, slow breath*

Right. Work.


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