
Apr 25, 2004 13:09

Haha, yes, absolutely. And clearly my sidekick is Navi. Can I kill her yet?

And the "Is Your Child Goth and Evil" quiz from tainteddivinity and stargemini, answered for me, because I find it really funny.

Do you/does your child:

1) Frequently wear black clothing.

- Yes

2) Wear band and/or rock t-shirts.

- Yup. I even wear rock band t-shirts. *gasp*

3) Wear excessive black eye makeup, lipstick, or nailpolish.

- Nope, I like colour to my makeup, and black just makes me look dead.

4) Wear any odd, silver jewelry or symbols. Some of these include: reversed crosses,
pentagrams, pentacles, ankhs or various other Satanic worshipping symbols.

- I own a pentacle necklace and an ankh necklace. For the reference: Pentagrams and pentacles are not Satanic-worshiping symbols. Reversed pentagrams have been used by Satanic groups in the United States but were originally intended to represent the journey downwards into the self. The pentagram itself is a symbol representing the five natural elements, earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. It is not Satanic. The ankh is a symbol of eternal life. Hey Christians, what do you teach happens after death when you believe in Christ? Okay. SO why is the ankh evil? Right. OK. Just so we're clear on that.

5) Show an interest in piercings or tattoos.

- ROFL@stargemini's answer. I have my ears pierced, but that was done by my mother when I was 6 months old. I've thought about getting a second piercing but mreh, I realy don't like pain.

6) Listen to gothic or any other anti-social genres of music.

- *blinks* *looks at large number of Evanescence songs* *looks at various industrial and emo and punk* ......Can I ask a question? What makes gothic anti-social? Also, you pretentious moronic fucktwit, "Gothic" is a style of architecture spanning from the early Middle Ages through the High Middle Ages. "Gothic Revival" is an eighteenth-century imitative style that tried to recreate Gothic architecture. Gothic literature includes such writers as the Bronte sisters and Edgar Allan Poe. Regardless, first of all, it should be capitalised. Second of all, pull your head out of your ass.

7) Associate with other people that dress, act or speak eccentrically.

- *blinks* Well, let's see. I asked Blue Guy to make me chainmail jewelry, does that count? I wear miniskirts and strapless shirts. I also wear leather when I can get away with it and slinky black stuff when I can't. I'm a gamer, I suppose that means I act eccentrically. I spell eccentrically, does that count?

8) Show a declining interest in wholesome activities, such as: the Bible, prayer, church or sports.

- Yes, because a place where altar boys get raped is such a wholesome place. Prostrating yourself before a deity begging forgiveness for every minor little thing is certainly good for your self-esteem. The Bible is clearly wholesome because it does not ever contain any destructive messages nor has it ever been used to justify the torture, imprisonment, maiming, and execution of millions of people. (Note the extreme sarcasm of the preceding sentences) What makes sports wholesome, again?

9) Show an increasing interest in death, vampires, magic, the occult, witchcraft or anything else that involves Satan.

- Death is an interesting if morbid subject to ponder. I play Vampire: the Masquerade, do you THINK I might have an interest in vampires, just maybe? Yes, I have an interest in magic. I'M MOTHERFUCKING WICCAN YOU FUCKTWIT! Also, I play Mage: the Ascension. Ooooh, scary. Yes, I have an interest in the occult. You know why? Because things that cannot be explained interest me--and do not fucking tell me it's an "act of God." That's a cop-out and you know it. Witchcraft? Yeah, I'd say I have an interest in Witchcraft. *looks across the room at an altar bearing gold and silver candles, incense, a pentacle disk, and a Tarot deck* For the record, Wicca does not involve Satan. I don't believe in Satan. I don't see the need to give evil power over me by adding my belief to it. If I believe the ultimate evil is out to get me, I give it power over me. Fuck that shit, I have enough to deal with without some punkass bitch with a chip on his shoulder adding to it.

10) Take drugs.

- Nope.

11) Drink alcohol.

- Yeah. It's fun. Lots and lots of fun.

12) Are suicidal and/or depressed.

- Have been. Not anymore. Thank Goddess

13) Cut, burn or partake in any other method of self-mutilation.

- Used to. Didn't cut myself, but I did have a bad habit of scratching my arms all to hell when I got upset. I don't do it anymore. As aforementioned, I don't really like pain.

14) Complain of boredom.

- Periodically, yeah. Usually when I want to avoid doing homework :)

15) Sleep too excessively or too little.

- Anywhere from 4 to 16 hours depending on what's going on (usually only 16 at the end of finals week). At this point I would like to reference a card from the game Gother Than Thou entitled "Crying Yourself To Sleep," the text of which is something like "you cried yourself to sleep at the cemetary over the tombstone of your one true love who died of consumption; they found you in the morning half-dead of cold" This card is worth 10 goth points and 2 sickness points. *snerk*

16) Are excessively awake during the night.

- *blinks* What? I only stay up to see dawn once a week or so.....shut up.

17) Dislike sunlight or any other form of light.

- That depends, is it streaming in my window to awaken me at 8 fucking am?

18) Demand an unusual amount of privacy.

- Unusual? I demand an amount of privacy that any human being should get by default. And incidentally, my parents always respected that.

19) Request time alone and quietness.

- Yeah. It's called meditation and ritual.

20) Insist on spending time with friends while unaccompanied by an adult.

- *raises eyebrows* I'm 21. I AM a fucking adult, technically speaking. Believe you me, my parents don't *want* to be around me and my friends when we're having a good time. And yeah, I really want my mom there when I'm busy getting plastered (and I have spent most of my weekend doing just that).

21) Disregard authority figures; teachers, priests, nuns and elders are but a few examples of this.

- I respect teachers for the knowledge they impart and elders for the wisdom they have acquired. Priests and nuns? Depends on their tolerance level and their bullshit level, which are usually inversely proportional.

22) Misbehave at school.

- Does skipping classes because I'm too lazy to drag my ass out of bed count? Other than that, no, not really.

23) Misbehave at home.

- *starts to giggle* I only wish! Would make life more fun right now ;)

24) Eat excessively or too little.

- Not really.

25) Eat goth-related foods. Count Dracula cereal is an example of this.

- Count Dracula is goth? hahahahahaha. I don't drink absinthe if that's what you're asking!

26) Drink blood or express an interest in drinking blood. (Vampires believe this is how to attain Satan. This act is very dangerous and should be stopped immediately.)

- Vampires do NOT believe that drinking blood is how to attain Satan. Depending on the mythology, they either drink blood to maintain their existence or, in the case of Ass-mites in White Wolf, suck down other vampires to diablerize their way to Caine. Show me a non-fundie source that indicates that vampires drink blood to attain Satan, and I might accept it. Otherwise, fuckoff.

27) Watch cable television or any other corrupted media sources.

- Actually I don't really watch TV, but I do have access to that-thar Intarweb thing. I'm pretty sure that counts.

28) Play videos games that contains violence or role-playing nature.

- *looks at tall stack of RPGs* *recalls watching Blue, Eben, and Josh blow each other up with rocket launchers on Halo last night* *recalls watching Blue fuck up some ninjas in Ninja Gaiden yesterday* Who, me? Naw. Point one: Violence is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact I think it can be a good thing. When I'm pissed off, I go kill people in Smash Melee instead of beating the shit out of someone real. Point two: Roleplaying exercises one's imagination and allows you to think from different viewpoints. Point three: "Videos games"? Point four: Real people can separate what happens on the screen from what should happen in real life. If you can't, then something's wrong with the way you were raised or with something in your brain. It's not my goddamn fault you're a moron.

29) Use the internet excessively and frequently make time for the computer.

- Like I said, I use that-thar Intarweb. I like it. It keeps me in contact with my friends. It also amuses me by presenting me with multitudinous examples of the sheer stupidity of the human race. This quiz, for example.

30) Make Satanic symbols and/or violently shakes head to music.

- I doodle pentacles in my notebooks when I get bored. Also, while listening to "Bohemian Rhapsody" on Friday we were all kinda "violently shaking our heads to music." It was fun--the room wobbled.

31) Dance to music in a provocative or sexual manner.

- That depends, is anyone watching? ;)

32) Express an interest in sex.

- Hells yes. Orgasm = fun. Can we all understand this? Good.

33) Masturbate

- Nope.

34) Are homosexual and/or bisexual.

- Boobies are awesome, does that answer your question? No? I'll put it more bluntly. I like guys because they have penises and those are fun to play with. I like girls, too. That equals bisexual. My choice. My religion supports it. Fuck off.

35) Pursue dangerous cult religions. Such include: Satanism, Scientology, Philosophy, Paganism, Wicca, Hinduism and Buddhism.

- Philosophy is not a religion. Scientology is a moronic cult religion and I happen to think it's one of the stupidest "religious" structures out there, but it's not really dangerous--if you wanna follow it go ahead. Satanism, yes, is a dangerous cult religion. Paganism and Wicca promote harmony with the earth and the people around you, and are all about deepening your own spirituality. Cause that's so very dangerous. Also, it's progressed way past the point of a cult. In 2001 the estimated number of adults in the USA who followed Wicca, Paganism, or Druidism was 307,000 (as compared to 159,030,000 for Christianity, 1,082,000 for Buddhism, 766,000 for Hinduism, and 55,000 for Scientology--figures from ). Hinduism and Buddhism are not dangerous cult religions. You are a moron. Fuck off and see if you can't fit your head a little further up your ass, and if that doesn't work, try some Vaseline.

36) Wear pins, stickers or anything else that contains these various phrases:
"I'm so gothic, I'm dead", "woe is me", "I'm a goth".


37) Claim to be a goth.

- Periodically I have laughed and said "I am such a goth." I generally don't mean it. I'm a little too upbeat to actually be a goth. PERSONAL DECAY! WOE IS ME! MY TRUE LOVE DIED OF CONSUMPTION! PERSONAL DECAY! THE WORLD HATES ME AND ALL IS LOST! WAAAAAAH!

*coughs* This extreme sarcasm has been brought to you by Meglet. :)


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