Mar 25, 2004 22:54
So today has been both a good and a bad day.
The bad: Totally forgot to pack my shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, contact lens case, contact lens solution. Put them in the plastic baggie, then flipped my comforter over it accidentally. Oh well. Plane was supposed to take off from BWI at 5:27 PM. We actually all get on the plane and get settled at 6:30. Then find out that we are going to sit on the runway. Plane takes off at 8 pm. Grah!!!
The good: I have other bottles of body wash and contact lens goop here, as well as another case and other lenses. Probably time for a new one anyway, so all I have to buy is shampoo and toothpaste. And I brought back all my suits and other "professional" wear to aid in job search.
The really good: Daddy gave me a check for $500 this afternoon. I blinked at him and said "Mom already gave me money." He smiled and said "Yes, I know. Now I am giving you more money." I pretty much glomped him and was like "Dad, you rock, I love you." So money is currently a nonissue although I'm going jobhunting tomorrow, also a tiny bit of shopping, plus laundry and immense cleaning.
*yawns* For now, however, the order of the evening is pasta with white wine and portobello mushroom alfredo sauce, and GAMING! So much gaming. I am as yet unsure whether this means FF6, FFX (in either case I have to work on a walkthrough) or LUNAR or some random game, in which case I need not do the walkthrough thing. Also, Tarot cards.
Yeah. Off for cooking and foodage.