Oh dear.

Feb 23, 2004 14:02

*laughs at herself* Just joined a drabble community. We shall see how that goes.

*chirpy chirp*

My computer is running slow as fuck. Grrr. Perhaps I'll restart. that might be good.

In other news, I registered for my classes today. Next quarter will go as follows:

11-12Linguistics 222 (Language, Politics, and Identity) Linguistics 222 (Language, Politics, and Identity) Linguistics 222 (Language, Politics, and Identity)
12:30-2 Classics 245 (Classics and the Cinema) Classics 245 (Classics and the Cinema) 
3-5History 395 (War and Peace in the Medieval Period)    
5-9  Classics 245 (Film screenings)

Fitting in a work schedule around that should be interesting. I was going to take public speaking instead of Classics to make my life easier, but most of my friends will be in the classics course so I chose that instead. *yawns*

I talked to my mom and my aunt this morning. My aunt thinks her cat is pregnant! Now I just have to persuade Dana to let me have a kitten, because I get dibs on the litter. Soooooo cute!

Anyway, in other news, still sick. Icky. Throat still hurts, blah. Went to Panera for lunch. They now have this weird thing where you order at the counter and they bring it to your table. pretty cool, I'd say.

Must pay bills tonight x_X I really want a nap right now, maybe I'll have one. Or maybe I'll just read The Star Scroll, having once again completed Dragon Prince.

Or I could, you know, be responsible and do homework, but that's boring. Maybe I'll go play Lunar. Something.

Enough typing, more of me doing stuff. Like writing rosary prayers?

reading, classes

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