Don't look back, you can never look back.

Feb 02, 2004 01:42

It's been an eventful weekend, to say the least. jorin came up on Friday and stayed till today. B-Fest was amazing, as always, though as always I slept through a fair chunk of it. They showed, among other things, a Jackie Chan movie called The Big Brawl. The actress who plays Jackie Chan's girlfriend in that movie starred in another offering of B-Fest, one of the softcore pr0n type things they tend to play around the 2 am - 6 am time period (during which I am nearly always asleep or somewhere else), a variant of Alice in Wonderland. Oh, childhood. (LOL, even though I've neither read the book nor seen any of the acceptable-for-children movie sorts of things). I watched about 20 minutes of it, then refused to watch any more and fell asleep.

Post B-Fest, we came back here, where I made spaghetti for about 10 people and we all played a bit of my Mage game, wherein all the players' backstories came back to bite them horribly. I thoroughly enjoyed playing the Duke, and chose to make him an indulgent, sarcastic, witty sort. I enjoyed it far more than I ought to have. Once my "throw plot at the players until they spin" ideas were exhausted, we ended game.

Had work today and came home intending to spend about 45 minutes chilling out, then do homework pretty much from 6 to 12 straight with about a one hour break to clean up the apartment some. I fell asleep reading for about an hour and a half, unfortunately, but I'm now fully caught up on my Development of Medieval Europe reading; I did that first because it's the easiest to catch up on and stay caught up on. Tomorrow I'm going to tackle Modern Britain and make a stab at doing some more catching up in Petry's class, as well as a ton of cleaning. Also must remember to go to the Career Center (it's far! Long walk! Blarg!), which means hitting Norris first for lunch, cause I'm not walking all the way to the north end of campus and then back again without eating something first.

Wrote checks for credit cards tonight. Missing a week of work really didn't help there, but $350 to my Discover and $50 to my Visa. By May my Discover will be fully paid off and then I can concentrate on the Visa. Yay!

I'm sleepy; being on a low level of sleep since Wednesday has seriously drained me. Bonus for this week's schoolwork, though; I read Hard Times for the last class I took with Heyck, so I just have to read the essay question for this week and then skim the novel to click my memory back in place. Then again I could probably just SparkNote it. It's not cheating if you've already read the book once, right?

I came to a realization tonight. If I attempt to do all my catch-up schoolwork in one day, I'm just going to get frustrated and give up. Therefore tomorrow I will simply deal with Modern Britain (6 textbook chapters; sucky but doable) and try to get through one more topic for Modern Middle East. Then I can do a bit more MME on Tuesday as well as Wednesday's assignments for Modern Britain and Medieval Europe, and finish up the Petry stuff on Wednesday. This is all assuming that Petry's midterm wasn't voted for Wednesday; if it was, I'll spend tomorrow reading a whole lot for his class and push Heyck back to Wednesday. Either way, it'll get done this week, dammit.

Cleaning would be good too, but I shall take these things one step at a time. I should be able to at least vacuum tomorrow, though, which'll help immensely.

Other requirement for tomorrow: Writing Imbolc ritual, and doing said ritual. I will not forget. It's my patroness's festival. I am NOT forgetting.

Happy Imbolc!

Now to bed with me.


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