
Jan 04, 2004 22:40

Impressions from today:

Work is killing me, my legs hurt abominably, though a shower helped.

Venus razors are the best thing in existence. I have no cuts and it didn't even feel like blades scraping over my skin, and yet unwanted hair is gone. w00t!

I'm having a bad reaction to Nair for the first time in a year. No fun.

So tomorrow's the first day of classes and it's a busy one for me. Schedule is:

10:00-10:50: Islamic Civ
11:00-11:50: History of the British Isles 1688-present
12:00-12:50: Development of Medieval Europe
1:00-2:00: Buying books, signing up to re-take senior photos since mine blew rabid syphilitic goats, depositing checks, etc. etc.
2:00-?: Meeting/hanging out with unclehyena
Sometime in the evening: Grocery shopping, for all I have in my fridge is some milk with a sell-by date of Nov. 29, some sketchy looking cheese, bacon that's been in there for well over a month, and various condiments. My pantry has a few odds and ends, but nothing really edible, and the freezer's not much better. Beginning-of-quarter stock-up!
Also sometime in the evening: Massive amounts of laundry interspersed with FFX-2 and homework.


OK. I've had like 14 hours of sleep in the last 3 days. I will be in bed by 11 and up by 9. I will, I will. =)


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