
Nov 21, 2003 00:35

Just finished my japanese homework. It's incredibly halfassed. If I was taking this class for a real grade, I'd be worried.

For now, my head feels like it's going to explode, and my shoulder muscles, despite a backrub from my roommate, are very sore. I'm going to go curl up with Mr. Bear, who still doesn't have a damn proper name even though stargemini gave him to me like 3 years ago, and maybe just pray and meditate a while with my pretty pretty Celtic harp CD that is possibly the most relaxing CD I own.

Fun fun....

In other news I have realized that I'm a complete and total airhead, as demonstrated by my random comments during the viewing of Buffy Season 4 with the Pooka tonight and my just....general flightiness. I had to ask my mother where the registration and insurance for my car were, for Christ's sweet sake.

Senioritis has totally set in. Not that it ever really left after high school.

Okay. Sleep now. Yes.


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