
Jan 27, 2003 02:07

From Kieries, a few days back:

Jaded Silverhawk: I hardly think not wanting to talk about personal things such as that is grounds for calling someone Aya.

Just for you, my angel. I thought you'd appreciate =p

Aya.....*dies of the giggles* Just cos he's the hottest of the WK bishies....

Yeah, you know i'm tired when all I can think of to do is post random shit like this....

The quote of B-Fest was "She's a black widow!" If you've never seen the movie Kingdom of the Spiders, well um....don't if you're arachnophobic like me o_o I kept feeling things crawl on me during that movie even though I cowered in fear and didn't watch half of it. And it was the first movie they showed, so I couldn't even sleep through it......Anyway, there's this one scene where this guy has just died, and his wife (who is African-American) is just about to get the news, and as the cop knocks on her door someone in the theatre yells out, "She's a black widow!" It was the most brilliant thing said the whole time....

We also saw Flash Gordon, Flesh Gordon, Cool As Ice (the Vanilla Ice movie....someone save me....), Plan 9 From Outer Space ("Bela!" "Not Bela!" "Night!" "Day!" "Wicker!" "Rattan!"), The Happy Hooker (just don't ask....we missed 2 reels of the movie and it still made sense, which is either impressive or not, depending on your viewpoint), Godzilla 1985, Supergirl, The Wizard of Speed And Time, It Came From Beneath The Sea, and some other stuff I don't remember because I slept through it or just gave up and turned off my brain ^.^;; We had a huge crew there too....Wizard came down from Detroit, Pooka, Blue, and Liz, Blue's friend Katie from Boston, Sam S, Sam N, Brian Williams the younger, Josh, Josh's friend whose name I can't recall, Dana, Dana's friend James, the Chimples, Rob, Rodrigo, Marley, and Marley's girlfriend. Derek and Ben were also there, but they didn't sit with us....grrr. I think that about covers it. It was pretty cool. Brian won a card game called Pygmy Cannibals in the Jungle of Doom, which a bunch of them played while I sat nearby and entertained myself with Zelda Oracle of Seasons, for no good reason other than that I could :)

So yeah, that was my weekend. Bad movies, work, and lack of doing homework. And I am not Ran "Aya" Fujimiya. I do not have a katana firmly lodged up my ass. So THERE! Mwahahaha.

And I'm too tired to do work, but too awake to sleep. I bloody hate that.

I have to either rework my Mage avatar, or give Pooka control of it.....the second option is much much MUCH more terrifying, but is the route I will more likely take. Poor Rhyssa....she's doomed....lol. *pets Aithne contentedly* Which reminds me that one of these eons I have to rework "Awakening"....

All right I'm really trying to sleep now. :)

b-fest, mage: the ascension, gaming

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