March Round-Up, April Goals

Apr 02, 2017 13:31

I am pleased to report that all of the April Fool's nonsense I personally encountered yesterday was adorable rather than terrible, which is a trend that I Hope continues. I'd rather see silly cute things like the Flight Rising HD Beta than nasty antics.

Anyway, it is now a new month and that means I get to face up to how poorly I did on March goals, and also check in for the year since we're a quarter done. (How did that happen? It's a fucking mystery, I swear.)

So, without further ado, here we go!

Video Games
In March
* Beat Bravely Second
* Bard to 60 (currently 56)
* Dragoon to 50 (currently 21)
* 2 sessions of FFXIII
* 5 hours of a pre-2008 game

I did pretty well at this set of goals! I didn't get Dragoon to 50, and I only played FFXIII once (in fairness, the "once" was "and then everything emotional happened all at once and I want to cry" chunk with Palumpolum etc.), but I did all the rest.

Year to Date
So I went on a pretty brutal tour of my backlog this month and threw out a huge number of games that I just look at and go "nah what if I didn't?" and since one of my big goals for the year is "HAVE FUN", yeah. My gaming list looks like so:

Bought Prior to 2017, Beaten 2017
The Secret Order 3: Ancient Times (Steam)* - 2016
Enigmatis: Ghosts of Maple Creek (Steam)* - 2016
Bravely Second End Layer (3DS)* - 2016

Bought in 2017, Not Yet Beaten
World of Final Fantasy (Vita)
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 (PS4)

Bought Prior to 2017, Abandoned 2017
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (DS) - 2009
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii) - 2008
Avalon Code (DS) - 2008
Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled (DS) - 2009
Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knight (3DS) - 2011
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner Soul Hackers (3DS) - 2013
Dark Cloud (PS2) - 2001
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) - 1994

So that's a net of two bought, three beaten, and 8 abandoned, for a net of +9 on the year. And I removed not one, but four 2008-and-earlier games from the list, plus one system, so I am kicking the fuck out of my goals there.

In April
* Get Dragoon to 60
* Beat a game
* Make meaningful progress in Persona 5
* 2 sessions of FFXIII
* 2 Moogle U posts

In March
* Catch up on prompt fics
* Write 3
genprompt_bingo fics - I already have brainstorming done
* 16,500 words
* of which, 3,000 original fic
* Complete Trilogy 1 analysis
* Assignment for Chosen by the Crystals

I'mma just choke laughing at myself right now. Okay. So I managed 13K of words overall, and I did my assignment, but I only got about 1500 words of original fic and like. A tenth of my analysis. I wrote a prompt fic - one - which means I'm now further behind, and I did write a bingo fic but haven't posted it yet. Sooooo that was pretty bad, overall.

Year to Date
I'm roughly on pace for GYWO - my March reporting figure was 36,500, which isn't perfectly on pace but my pace doesn't account for NaNoWriMo. I have so far only managed to post a fic of 1000+ words once (in January), and I am way, way, way behind on prompt fics. On the other hand, the two drafts sitting waiting for polishing are both items from my bunny list, so that's 2 of 3 for that goal, and I am making slow progress on revising Trilogy 1, and I'm 1/5 of the way to a GenPrompt Bingo card completion. So I'm actaully not doing too badly, year to date.

In April
* Post 3 Genprompt Bingo fics
* Post 12 prompt fics (this gets me caught up through March and halfway into April)
* 15,000 words
* 3,000 original fiction
* Finish filling out analysis for Trilogy 1 and work through 6 chapters

....I keep moving these goals along but sooner or later, sunshine has to arrive and I have to stop feeling ironed flat, right? Right.

In March
* Save $200 for trip
* Pack lunch 3x/week
* Do not buy new games

I DID THIS. I did all of it! Hurrah for me!!

Year to Date
I am working, slowly, toward paying off a credit card (it would help if I didn't spend $800 on the cats in one month, JFC.) I had determined that I could not pay off one of my student loans, so that is off the list. I have now saved enough money for our trip this summer, so that's a whole item legitimately off the list! I am now turning my attention toward saving for a new desktop, not a laptop - I took a good hard look at my computer usage, and while my laptop is old and creaky, it can still get the job done, and if it doesn't I can mostly use my iPad, whereas my desktop is where real work (and, more importantly, FFXIV) happens, so. Yeah. Should be able to get that by summer, when the new Mac lineup is out. I'm actually doing pretty well!

In April
* Save $500 toward laptop
* Pack a lunch 3x/week
* Cook dinner at home 3x/week

Health and Spirituality
In March
* Work out 3x/week
* Ostara ritual
* Meditate once a week
* Full moon ritual

Snort. Yeah. Okay. I did my Ostara ritual, but not the rest. (There were a lot of migraines this month.) the last week of March I did work out 3 times, which is not nothing, but it's also the only week I really did much of anything.

Year to Date
Weight-wise, I am mostly neutral - I had lost a lot in January but then February was a reversal. I have not been keeping up at working out every week. (Those two sentences are related, who knew.) On the other hand I have remembered to do all my Sabbat rituals, so that's something.

In April
* Work out 3x/week
* Meditate 1x/week
* Develop Beltaine ritual

In March
* Read 5 magazines
* Read 4 books
* of which, one non-comfort
* Review them
* DW posts 2x/week excluding WAYPW
* Practice piano once a week
* 6 hours on sewing project
* Watch at least one hour of an LP

....I didn't touch the piano or a needle, like at all. I also did terribly at DW posts and dind't read any magazines.

On the other hand, I read 8 books including one nonfiction; I finished reviewing them all today (so a little late, but whatever, I'm gonna count it.) And I did watch an hour of an LP, though not the one I meant to. Oops.

Year to Date
Well, I am way the hell ahead on my reading goal (22 books, per GoodReads, out of a goal of 50) and keeping pace on my non-comfort/non-fiction goals. And I've been keeping up with bullet journaling quite nicely. I'm behind on basically everything else, though - not posting as much to DW as I'd like, not sewing, not playing piano, etc. Big sigh.

In April
* Read 5 books
* 1 non-fiction
* Review them
* Piano practice 1x/week
* Research financing for kitchen remodel
* Catch up Sudoku calendar
* Go outside for an actual walk 1x/week
* Take my damn vitamins

I've posted this at and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

resolutions 2017

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