What Are You Playing Wednesday

Mar 22, 2017 20:43

Hello, friends! The middle of another week and that means it's time for What Are You Playing Wednesday!

I know several of you *side-eyes* are head-down in Mass Effect: Andromeda. I'm not, yet, but I've got plenty else going on.

I took a (for me) big step and crossed six games I was not enjoying off my backlog. It's very likely I'll add a seventh, but in the meantime I'm enjoying this rare moment of having substantial backlog progress going.

I've been making steady progress in all of my games; I picked up the third skydragon jewel in Puzzle and Dragon Z (where I also finally hit the wall where my skill at the game is not enough to make up for not having stopped to grind up monsters at all, so I guess I'm gonna have to do that, now.)

Last week I played some more of FF13 for my husband and we hit Palumpolum, AKA "where all the feelings live," so that sure was a thing. A thing that happened.

I hit level 30 Dragoon in FF14 and started working on a new relic, which has been pretty successful so far. In FFBE, I'm grinding enthusiastically at the FF14 event, and also taking great advantage of the current event in FF Record Keeper.

What about you?

I've posted this at http://lassarina.dreamwidth.org/1175553.html and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

what are you playing wednesday

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