What Are You Playing Wednesday

Mar 08, 2017 19:48

Good evening, friends! It is that time of the week again and therefore: whatcha playing? Got your eye on new shinies? Clutching ones that just came out to your chest and muttering "My preciousssss" over and over again?

I made a lot of progress on different fronts, myself:

* In FF14, I'm at level 58 and 2/3 on my bard, which means I'm just a bit more than a level away from max!

* In Bravely Second, I'm sitting right at the final boss (I tried to take it on with my "eh I'll run through the final dungeon leveling up extra jobs" party and, er, that was not a wise decision on my part.)

* I started Puzzle and Dragon Z, which is stupendously adorable and I forgot how nice it is to wreck early-game stuff when your skills vastly outclass the game's assumptions about same.

* In FF Brave Exvius, I fully cleared (with all Completes, even) the Type-0 event, which is the first time I've done that. Now I'm wishing I had time to play Type-0, which I totally bought at release, but...

* Persona 5 in less than one month. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. I cannot even contain my squee.

I've posted this at http://lassarina.dreamwidth.org/1174933.html and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

what are you playing wednesday

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