the no-pants party part whatever the hell this is

Feb 20, 2017 17:49

And for the second time, I dropped off of the Internet for most of a week. It was for much the same reason - Very Fun Things in Life - but I think I'm mostly caught up now on posts. If I failed to comment on something I should've, feel free to point me there.

The main reason I was off most of the Internet was that my darling
seventhe arrived Wednesday evening for our irregularly scheduled weekend of "pants are the devil and wine is our friend." I picked her up at the airport on Wednesday and brought her home, and we posted the Kiss Battle (p.s. go play!) and curled up playing phone games on my couch with
goldmare, whom we subsequently enabled into buying almost all the FF games on Steam since they were on super sale, because we are helpers.

We went to bed entirely too late, and got up Thursday to go to brunch at one of my favorite places. From there, we did a quick spin past the grocery store for things I'd forgotten to acquire, and we went to Binny's to fill out the stocks. We got a bottle of raspberry liqueur and a bottle of peach (both of which are pretty much gone now), and a giant bottle of "French Kiss," which smells like candy, tastes like magic, and will knock me flat on my ass. (Sev dubbed it "giggle juice" for its effect on me.)

We came back to my place and flopped downstairs with FF14;
goldmare eventually rejoined us, and we constructed a dinner out of various cheeses, bread, fruit, avocado, pepperoni, and wine, and then we wrangled paladin into watching Kingsglaive with us, which was amazing and I picked up on stuff I had previously missed.

We went to bed much too late, and got up Friday to raid Panera for breakfast. Since it was beautiful outside (60 degrees! in February! I know objectively this is bad but having glorious sunshine in the middle of The Hell of Winter is so good for my soul), we went out with games and books to sit and bask in the sun, which was wonderful. I have gotten so much progress made in Bravely Second - I technically could finish it at any time, but no, I must master all job classes FIGHT ME. Once it started to get chilly out, we went back inside, and then
goldmare briefly departed for work, and Sev and I played more FF14 (and dragged her through the ending of 2.0 plot! Yay!), and we ordered a giant pile of Thai food and played games until I don't even know when but it was late.

Saturday was a quieter day - more sun-basking, more video games, more wine, and we watched the extended cut of Advent Children which I apparently had never watched before and which makes remarkably more sense than the original! Also, Rude ♥

In related news, my cats adore Auntie Sev. Zelda slept on her for hours. It was adorable.

Sev unfortunately had to leave quite early on Sunday, and then I went back to sleep because I was not sleeping enough most of the weekend. I got up around noon-thirty and did the groceries and spent some time leveling up in FF14, and then paladin ran Exalted, which was mostly good although I got antsy and sad thinking that something lethal might have happened to my character from book 1 of this chron (I am assured she will not die, which is good - I'm not playing her anymore but I ♥ her so, my delightful mess of a soldier.)

I had every intention of getting useful things done today, but I woke up with a bad headache, so instead I've been playing a lot of video games and catching up on things I missed on the Internet. Tomorrow it's back to work, and somehow getting through the rest of winter, I guess.

Hopefully this week I'll be able to buckle down and get some writing done; I'm two weeks behind on prompts and I want to do more kiss battle and also get started on bingo. Plus editing and rewriting.

But for now, more headache meds.

I've posted this at and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

kiss battle owns me, pairing: balthier/us, st ajora it's a war lion!, i stole this tag from sev, laughing too hard to breathe, goes down like kain's dick, sev and rina need a hobby, the no-pants party, i blame sev for this, i want balthier's cock, nat is happy shinies, i'm in ur ljs stealin' ur tags, sev/rina otp, squee!!!!!, why is it always the knights?, sev/zeromus otp, friends, kain owns me, zeromus wants this action, too little sleep too much keyboard, a distinct lack of pants, can i just lick it, omg squee, this is nat's fault, it's 5 o'clock somewhere, threesome: nat/rina/sev

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