Good morning, friends! A week has just flown right by, and here we are again at Wednesday, so it's time for the weekly post! (Slight change in format this week; I'm going to try putting my own stuff in the post, instead of in a comment. We'll see how I like that.)
What have you been playing this week? What are you looking forward to?
I spent most of my weekend (when I wasn't skiing) playing Bravely Second; I'm in Chapter 6 and now that it is no longer a (self-made) slog of filling out my bestiary, I am super into this game again (also, the plot has suddenly stomped on all my buttons and I am Here For This.)
I also made some phone game progress; I cleared the ultimate-plus level for the FF4 event in Record Keeper, and I've been inching along in the grinding events in Brave Exvius.
And, of course, there's FF14, where I am now working on leveling up Bard (and of which I plan to play a ton while
seventhe is here starting TONIGHT OMG.)
I've posted this at and you may
comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has