the chill of fall

Oct 20, 2016 20:59

It was so cold when I woke up this morning. I mean, not really cold, certainly not by Chicago standards, but definitely cold enough that I saw no compelling reason why I should have to relinquish my place under warm comfy blankets and cuddly Zelda. I complained about this to Zelda, who blinked at me uncomprehendingly and washed my face for me, but eventually I dragged myself up and got dressed, all the way to makeup (which I have now successfully worn each work day this week) and dragged myself into work.

We have no plans for this weekend, which is really lovely. I think we might be doing some housework, and I have some plans for FF14 with friends, but overall I shall get to do as I please, which hopefully means some progress against the various forms of backlog that I have piled up.

I have been playing hidden object games and phone games a lot this week, and I actually ranked in the last Triple Triad tournament in FF14, for a very nice pile of MGP and two cards that weren't useful. I'm really enjoying the Khloe Wondrous Tails quests--I got the Thancred minion last week, which was really cool, and I like that it gives people reasons to help new folks and also to run old content. (I do have to draw the line sometimes though--I jumped into my husband's leveling roulette the other day because he pulled Stone Vigil and the healer quit on launch, and then we had to vote abandon because the tank was a Gladiator--not a Paladin--and could not keep threat on Chudo-Yudo nor was he listening to my advice, so. That happened. I'm a pretty good Scholar but I am not that good.)

Meanwhile, tonight we are playing Exalted in which several canon characters bid fair to make an appearance, and I have delicious pad Thai. I still need to revise my NaNoWriMo outline; I did a preliminary one but it needs more fleshing-out, and I've had a few ideas for what that could be but I'm not quite sure how much I like any of them.

It really would be a good night to curl up with tea and a good book, though.

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exalted, final fantasy xiv

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