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shahrizai May 14 2016, 19:11:52 UTC
So I have a lot of feelings for this movie too, and most of them stem back to Captain America being so perfect. I, like Tony, want to punch him in his perfect face. I think the movie presented him as being right and Tony being wrong. This is a logical conclusion given that it's a Cap movie, but it rubbed me the wrong way. I find Cap boring *because* he's so perfect. I hope Infinity War explores the personal consequences of him rescuing Bucky, since Bucky chose to go to sleep and Cap really just lost him again anyway.

Also, as a Pepper/Tony shipper I'm so pissed off that they actually used the #1 Steve/Tony fanfic trope out there - Pepper can't handle Tony's superheroism but Cap always understands! I know it's me applying my bitterness about my fav ship getting consistently sunk by the fandom but now fic writers don't even have to try to justify why Pepper suddenly doesn't exist.

But Black Panther was awesome and I love that Marvel doesn't mind doing female gaze stuff. If we can't get rid of the constant male gaze, then at least give us some female gaze material too! God he was gorgeous when he moved. And Steve's helicopter scene? Awww yissss.


lassarina May 14 2016, 20:01:17 UTC
For me, Steve's perfect is offset by the fact that it's hard for him? Like it's not that he just never considers it, it's that he has considered the option and determined that wow, this sucks so hard, but it's the right thing to do. (Paladin informed me that in the comics, the speech Sharon gives at the funeral was in fact given by Steve, which fits.)

I actually didn't think the movie presented Steve as Right and Tony As Wrong, I thought it made the point that they were both right and both wrong and the whole thing was messy, but I guess I can see how it would be read otherwise.

Re Pepper it sure is a messy way of writing around not having Gwyneth Paltrow for the movie :/ But especially after IM3, it read as real to me. (Then again my ships vary between everybody/everybody, Steve/Bucky and Nat/Clint, so I didn't have a ship to be sunk here.)

YES I LOVED THE FEMALE GAZE STUFF I was just thinking of how in Thor: Dark World there really wasn't much male gaze at all, BUT THEN THOR WITHOUT A SHIRT, YES, THANK YOU.


shahrizai May 15 2016, 01:20:34 UTC
I actually didn't think the movie presented Steve as Right and Tony As Wrong, I thought it made the point that they were both right and both wrong and the whole thing was messy, but I guess I can see how it would be read otherwise.

I think it was the whole Bucky situation that made me feel like they were trying to say Cap is right. Tony accepted that the perp was Bucky right off the bat and then he was proven wrong. And then everyone getting thrown into Ghetto Prison because of him. And Nat picking Cap in the end. Steve lost, well, Tony. It was hard for him to forsake Tony, but all of his choices were validated by the end.

I wish Pepper could have hung around as the designated Kickass Non-Superhero character. I love Nat, but some of the best women in the MCU are the ones that aren't Avengers/SHIELD.


lassarina May 15 2016, 18:40:00 UTC
Hmm. I really didn't get the "Steve was right" thing, honestly. - I feel like Natasha was always torn on which side she really wanted to choose, and her relationship with Steve was always stronger than her relationship with Tony. And Tony wasn't really alone in accepting that Bucky was the perpetrator; a lot of people did. I dunno. I guess we're just reading it differently.


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