editing is my own personal hell.

Mar 03, 2016 20:08

I lost most of the last three days to a migraine, courtesy a temperature yo-yo that included a 30-degree plunge in 3 hours on Monday afternoon. From 60 to snowing, awesome (only not.) I ended up staying home Tuesday because of it, and mostly sleeping--Fitbit tells me I spent ~16 hours in bed/lying down, of which I apparently managed 8 hours of actual sleep. ugh. No wonder I felt so awful.

I did pick up The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons again, which I had abandoned on my honeymoon having gotten to the 7th dungeon and gotten stuck on a particular jumping puzzle that for some reason held me hostage through like 3 sets of losing all my hearts on jumping, half a heart at a time, back then. When I fired it up on Tuesday I got past it on the second try. Uh, okay, I'm pretty sure I didn't improve my gaming skills that much in the past 2 years, but okay, sure. So I did that and beat the mini-boss, and then saved before a magnets-and-jumping puzzle and will go back to it eventually. Maybe. I'm not sure how much fun I'm having with it, but I'm just like....7th dungeon, surely I can conquer this now? Surely it's worth the couple of hours I'll spend to defeat it? Maybe?

In other video game news, I meant to start on Pendragon Rising, which is one of my new Steam acquisitions, but I misclicked and launched Pillars of Eternity instead, so I guess I made a human chanter character there (and then logged off because while I can process character creation with a migraine, actual gameplay is probably beyond me.) I did spend some time laughing hysterically at the options screen because the "maim before death" option was just too hilarious for me to handle for some reason, and then staring in abject horror at the mere concept of Trial of Iron mode. Nope. Nope nope nope nope. Do not want.

I've also been working on Puzzle and Dragon Super Mario Bros. edition, which dang, is seriously just kicking me in the head now. I'm at world 8-2 and we will not talk about how many lives I spent to pass the airship level of world 7 because it was a lot, okay. I did go back to try to farm up some coin coffer monsters to level up my team, but it's just so slow and I feel like I'm not making any progress. ;_; But I'm so close to the end! I can do it! fight on.

In other media news, we went to
spreadnparanoia's place yesterday to watch more of Baccano! and decided that it's a lot like watching Game 9 or Game 10 of DCP, in that everything has gone vastly off the rails and the arcane plots of a dozen elders of varying degrees of stability are all going off at once, and people's scenes are overlapping in weird ways and you have no idea how you got here but it's pretty freaking epic. (It's an intense show that definitely rewards compressed watching because of how it interlocks, but I was not anticipating this degree of Tarantino-esque gore, and I'm. I'm just not very sure about that. On the other hand Isaac and Miria are flawless perfect darlings and I adore them completely. I kind of want there to be an entire anime of the Adventures of Isaac and Miria, although mostly they're great as contrast to the rest of the show and I'd probably get frustrated with it being all them all the time, so.) Still. We are making excellent progress; we finished episode 12 last night and I am excited to see what else is going to happen.

Tonight I came home and shoveled the driveway, and made sweet potato and black bean tacos with lime-and-garlic sour cream, and now I have a writing and gaming date with
seventhe so it's even odds whether we'll be productive with words or just log on to FF14 and dink around there. I probably should be working on making words, but shiny games....

I've posted this at http://lassarina.dreamwidth.org/1138946.html and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

writing, video games, baccano!

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