plodding ever onward

Nov 24, 2015 21:43

I broke 40k on NaNoWriMo tonight. I think I figured out roughly in which direction this is going (and, bonus, got to fit in a scene I thought I would have to drop, which is exciting because the interactions in it are going to be amazingly great but the way the story had evolved I thought I wasn't going to get to use it because of where it would have to fall re: character evolution vs point in the plot.)

The farther into this novel I get the more I identify the things i am doing to myself that make it harder. Like trying to make everything dynamic and about interaction and plot instead of spending time in the characters' heads, which--look, inside of characters' heads is what I do. (That and snark.) So I'm trying to cut out most of what makes me make words easily, because, you know, I'm smart or something. *eyeroll at self*

I also was digging throgh my email archives today looking at some of the stuff I'd chatted about with
celeloriel for this novel and found a couple of things that I think are really lovely ideas but I don't think they fit where this book ended up, but maybe I can salvage them and put them in something else. (on the plus side, reading all that reminded me of why I love these characters so much. though it also pointed out to me that I'll likely have to go back and edit a lot more sass into this book. why do I keep trying to do things that aren't in my wheelhouse and then being surprised when they're hard? ~it is a mystery.~)

I am so past ready for the long weekend. Tomorrow will be hard because the office will be half-empty and while I definitely have stuff to do, my brain already wants to be on vacation. Sigh.

I've posted this at and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

nanowrimo 2015, writing

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