weekends go by so fast

Jun 14, 2015 19:40

It's been a good, if quiet, weekend. I came home Friday and had many drinks and a bunch of sushi (and when I went to get the sushi they accidentally rang up a different thing than I had ordered, so they comped that out but apparently I still got sushi! Yay! Extra sushi!) and played a bunch of FF14 (including finally clearing Ultima's Bane), and stayed up until 1:30 because I have no common sense.

Yesterday we lounged about in bed until past ten, and then got up and tried to be responsible humans. I was really craving fried shrimp (I had smelled something delicious on Thursday that in my head translated to fried shrimp and the desire to eat it had not gone away), so paladin indulged me in this wish and we went to Red Lobster, where we split the stuffed mushrooms and the Admiral's Fest and were very, very full. We nosed around the area a bit (I hadn't been down there in years) and observed all the new things to see and do, and then we came home, where I ended up falling asleep on the couch for an hour and a half, oops.

wrenbow and herod_the_nut came over to watch the Hawks game, and that was a delight. More video games followed, and then today I got up and did the grocery shopping, cleaned up the kitchen, made a gallon of iced tea to drink over the next however-many days, and cleaned about 80% of my desk because it was becoming unlivable and I am finally in a state of mind where my reaction to my clutter is "fix it" not "stare sadly at it and wish for the ability to magically resolve it." I also cleared the Steps of Faith in FF14, and we did a free-company full alliance run of Syrcus Tower with a single tank, four healers, and nineteen DPS. Mechanics? What mechanics?

I was going to make spaghetti carbonara for dinner, but I'm feeling lazy and we decided pizza sounded amazing, so we ordered that, and I'll make carbonara tomorrow. Meanwhile I shall continue my epic addiction to Fantasy Life. Because I needed more addictions in my life.

I've posted this at http://lassarina.dreamwidth.org/1115875.html and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

unfucking my life

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