I would like to have a useful post full of things, but today was a shitty day at work and DCP has drained my everything (I have a lot of things I want to say about running a LARP but lolsob I don't have brain for it right now so maybe Sunday after this is over), but in the meantime, I have been reading many interesting things around the Internet and you can have some linkspam.
A Plea For Culinary Modernism, courtesy
hyaenid, is a really interesting analysis of the current fascination with unprocessed local artisanal fresh food and a historical analysis of food in general, which I thought was great and fascinating.
In Japan, Opting Out of the Daily Grind is a really interesting piece about the way one rural Japanese town is reinventing itself and trying to stanch the flow of people to the cities - this was an interesting read, especially with where my head's been at lately with work and life and balance and time and all the rest of that.
How American Parenting Is Killing the American Marriage - so obviously I do not myself have children but this was a really fascinating analysis of social trends regarding parenting and I found myself nodding emphatically just from what I've observed. It also touches on how some of these expectations are gendered, which as we all know is a subject near and dear to my heart.
The Horrible Reason One Woman Had To Wait 77 Years for Her PhD - This is just great. Go read it. It's short and, at the end, remarkably heartwarming despite the title.
Are New Dating Apps Killing Monogamy Or Has it Always Been Dead? - Despite the clickbait title, this is a remarkably non-terrible article about people who have open/poly relationships - it focuses more on people who have a committed primary relationship and are dating outside than a stable polygonal arrangement, but I thought it was a good read nonetheless.
Meditation Literally Changes Your Brain - an interesting article about the benefits of meditation.
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