I really did not mean to decline to a weekly post on Mondays (why Mondays? who knows? it is a mystery) and oops this is no longer a Monday post, whatever, the musing remains accurate.
I had a lot of things I wanted to talk about last week, except that then we had the "barometric pressure imitates a yo-yo" period and I spent Monday night through Thursday afternoon fighting off a migraine, which was about as much fun as it sounds like.
Thursday I came home and dragged a whole bunch of stuff out of the basement since we had people coming on Friday to deal with the mold in the basement (according to their assessment last week, it was not super bad terrible mold, just "you should deal with this eventually" mold.) Conclusion: I need shelving and such in that back room of the basement to store stuff more logically (but we were holding off on that until the mold was fixed.) The people came in on Friday and the house has been smelling (gradually less) like bleach since then, and I dragged paladin out of the house to dinner since he was very spacey and needed some fresh air. We went to Bonefish Grill, which is one of my favourite places, and then came home and flopped around with video games.
Saturday was a quiet, lazy day--I basically spent most of it sewing and playing games alternately depending on my mood. Yesterday we headed out to meet up with my in-laws, whereupon we did a five-mile walk around a forest preserve. I think I got mildly sunburned; I know my body was like WHAT DID YOU EVEN JUST DO TO ME. We came home and I did a zillion loads of laundry and made dinner and paladin and I split the vacuuming, and then I went to bed early because I had a tension headache and didn't want to stare at FF14 anymore.
Speaking of FF14, I have all classes but GLA, LNC, and MRD at level 15 minimum (MRD is 11, I'm slowly using daily guildhest roulette to build it up.) My ninja is about an inch from level 38. I don't think I'll necessarily succeed in getting all my classes to 50 before the expansion, but I'm certainly going to try. The other thing I did manage to accomplish was getting my "beat 30 NPCs" and "have 30 unique TT cards" achievements, so I have shiny pretty new cards to play with. Huzzah. Now I just need to farm some dungeons and some NPCs for better cards, and race chocobos.
I progressed the plot a little bit too, and my FC whipped me right through the Akh Afah Amphitheatre (seriously, I blinked and it was done.) So I have just a little bit more plot which I will definitely finish before expac, and I'm slowly working my way through other stuff. SO MUCH TO DO IN THIS GAME OMG.
And now I have beaten a new world in KH: Final Mix, so I at least managed that part of my April goals. (My April goals are a shambling disaster, but more on that when I do my end-of-month goals post.)
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